Text Structures I
Text Structures II
Text Structures III
Text Structures IV
Text Structure V

When we compare and contrast while reading we are looking for...?

1. similarities and differences

2. wrongs and rights

3. truths and lies

4. clues and facts

What is 1. similarities and differences?


I went to the grocery store after I made my shopping list. Which word shows the transition between the events that occurred?

What is after?


This is the reason why something occurred.

What is a cause?


Airplane engines can be incredibly loud, but noise-cancelling headphones can make flying more bearable.

What is the text structure of the text?

What is problem and solution?


Fences are structures that are usually made of wire or wood and are used to enclose an area.

What is description?


A study done in 2017 shows that throwing away old electronic devices can lead to health problems. What is the text structure of the text?

What is cause and effect?


If the Internet goes out in your house, you can play board games or read a book to amuse yourself. What is the text structure of the text?

What is problem and solution


Single-use plastics like water bottles can only be used once and, when thrown away improperly, can end up in the ocean. What is a cause? 

Cause: What is when plastic bottles are thrown away improperly?


Two or more things are described.  Their similarities and differences are discussed.

What is: Compare and Contrast?


This diagram is used as a visual way to show how two things are similar and/or different. 

What is a Venn Diagram?


Jason got grounded after he came home three hours late. What is the effect?

What is Jason getting grounded?


A key word in a passage that lets us know that there is a cause and effect happening.

What is:

Since / Because/ So / As a result of/ Why


A problem is described and a response or solution is proposed or explained.

What is Problem and Solution?


Having a cold is no fun. Coughing makes it hard to fall asleep. A sore throat is painful. Try some tea with honey in it. The honey will soothe your throat. There may be no cure for the common cold. You can treat the symptoms though.

What is the Text Structure?

Problem and Solution


Marcos got a bellyache after eating all his Halloween candy in one day. 

Identify the cause and effect.

Cause: What is eating all the candy?

Effect: What is getting a bellyache?


A fruit with pale green or brownish skin, a firm juicy flesh, and an oblong shape in which a broad base end tapers upward to a narrow stem end.

1. What is the fruit?

2. What is the text structure of the text?

1. What is a pear?

2. What is description?


What is the text Structure?

Pablo Picasso is known for his abstract style. That means that his art looks out of this world. Picasso's father was also an artist. He started training him when Picasso was seven. When Picasso was 13, he was so good that his father quit painting. At the age of 16, Picasso went to art school.

What is Chronological?


"Every two miles, the taste of water changes. And every eight miles, the language."

What is the text structure of the text?

What is comparison?


What is the text structure?

Andy Warhol made some outrageous art. He's the guy who painted the soup can in 1962. Or maybe one of his friends painted it. It's hard to say. Another one of his famous works is of Chinese leader, Mao Zedong. That really upset people. He painted that in 1973. In 1984 he painted a picture of Prince for the movie Purple Rain. Most people liked that one.

What is Chronological?


What is the text structure?

A sprain is a tear in a muscle. Sprains happen when a muscle is twisted or overstretched. They can be painful. If you sprain a muscle, you should ice it immediately. Putting ice on a sprain will reduce swelling and pain. It may help stop internal bleeding too.

What is Problem and Solution?


Sandi Tree 

Sandi Tree is a unique festive attraction to South Florida, renowned for its distinctiveness and charm. It is made out of 850 tons of sand each year. Sandi Tree is celebrated for its ability to bring people together and to evoke a sense of wonder and joy during the festive holiday season.

What is the text structure of the text?

What is description?


Nobody wants to be stung by a bee. Bee stings are itchy and painful. But what if the bee stings you anyway? One thing that you can do is put vinegar on it. The acid in the vinegar may reduce the pain and swelling from the sting.

What is the text structure?

Problem and Solution


Getting to the North Pole is not easy. The fastest way is by airplane. That will only take you to Norway though. Then you need to take a boat. The boat will take you to an island called Barneo, which is about 60 miles from the North Pole. Then you can fly to the North Pole by helicopter. That's the fastest way to get to the North Pole.

What is the text structure?



Some flamingos are pink. Not all flamingos are pink. The pink color comes from their diet. Flamingos that eat lots of shrimp will be pink. Flamingos that eat lots of algae will be pale or white.

What is the text structure?

Cause and Effect


What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet.  One theory that many people believe is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth.  Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years.  The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores.  This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth.

What is Cause and Effect?