Coping Skills
Behaviors/ Diagnosis
Body Language
Thought or Feeling
Reframe the Thought

This object is a squishy sphere that you could use when anxious or fidgety.

What is a stress ball.


Low mood, sadness, and hopelessness can be traits of this condition.

What is depression.


What message might you be sending if you sit up straight and look someone in the eye while they're telling you a story?

What is paying attention.


Is lonely a thought or a feeling?

What is a feeling.

What is a thought you might have when feeling lonely?


I have no friends, I bet people make fun of me.


Walking, swimming, jogging, lifting weights, using a treadmill, and playing sports are examples of this coping skill.

What is exercise.


Excessive worry, fear, and panic attacks can be symptoms of this disorder.

What is anxiety.


What message might you be sending if you are smiling, laughing, being nice.

 What is happy.


I am so sad we didn't win the game. Is this a thought or a feeling?

What is a thought.

What are some feelings you might feel when thinking this?


I failed the test, I must be stupid


Air passing through your nose to fill your lungs while holding it for 5 seconds, then slowly letting the air out through your mouth.

What is deep breathing.


Being violent such as biting, hitting and kicking. Trying to hurt yourself, others or property. Can also be a form of words such as making threats, racial slurs, cursing, shouting. 

What is physical and verbal aggression. 


What message might you be sending if you are sitting against a wall with your arms crossed over your knees and your head is down?

What is sad/upset.


Frustrated, is this a thought or a feeling?

What is a feeling.

What would a thought be that goes with this feeling?


I've had a bad morning, now my entire day is ruined


This skill doesn't require talking. A pencil and paper are all you need to write down your thoughts.

What is journaling.


Flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety can be symptoms of this disorder that often develops after very stressful life events.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


What message might you be sending if you have a red face, clenched fist and jaw and you are pacing back and forth

What is anger?


I am stupid, is this a thought or a feeling?

What is a thought.

What might be a feeling when thinking this?


I don't understand thing, I am just going to give up. 


This skill can take practice, but can involve quieting your mind and creating a sense of calm.

What is meditation/mindfulness.


This disorder can include symptoms such as impulsivity, difficulty focusing, and hyperactivity.

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


What message might you be sending if your arms are crossed and you're tapping your foot while talking to someone?

What is irritated/defensive/annoyed/angry/impatient


I am going to punch someone in the face, is this a thought or a feeling?

What is a thought.

What could be a feeling if thinking this?


Staff told me no, I will never get what I asked for. The staff must hate me.