Define diction
author’s word choice
Define metaphor
implied comparison between 2 unlike things
What are the ways in which indirect characterization is shown?
Thoughts, words, actions
Define symbolism
when a literal object represents something else
The name of Okonkwo’s oldest son
You must always put a ________ before the word diction when writing analysis
Proverbs are the ________ with which words are eaten
“Okonkwo never showed any emotion openly” is an example of direct or indirect?
The symbol for hospitality that people bring when visiting another’s home
kola nut
The age Okonkwo was when he beat Amalinze the Cat
“Unoka had a shameful death” - What word would you use to describe “shameful”
“I compare you to a flower” is an example of a metaphor or a simile?
When analyzing characterization, you must always use a __________ to describe the character.
The symbol for titles ____ that people wear ____
status, bracelets
How many years Ikemefuna lived in Okonkwo’s household
“Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered” What is the effect of the word “revered”
Deeper respect or admiration/emphasizes achievement’s importance over age
When analyzing a metaphor, what do you need to include in CM 1?
Shared trait of 2 compared things
When writing your CM1 for characterization, what should be included?
specific detail from the quote, character trait, explanation
The symbol of a foreign presence thus far in the novel
Okonkwo’s gun
The word a child used to insult Okonkwo’s father
“If any money came his way, and it seldom did, he immediately bought gourds of palm-wine, called round his neighbors and made merry.” What is the effect of the word “immediately”?
Emphasizes Unoka’s irresponsibility
Analyze the metaphor: Yam, the king of crops, was a very exacting king. Exacting: making great demands on one's skill, attention, or other resources
“[Okonkwo] pressed the trigger and there was a loud report accompanied by the wail of his wives and children” reveals what trait?
In order to determine a symbol you need to use cultural knowledge and ________ to determine meaning
Context from the book
The night Ikemefuna dies, Nwoye remembers what memory
twins left to die in the evil forest