Trauma Symptoms
Trauma & The Brain
Physical Abuse
Wild Card

What are some common reactions to trauma?

Sleep problems, appetite problems, irritability, bed wetting, withdrawal, isolation, attention seeking, risky behaviors, flashbacks, inattentiveness, trouble in school or work, and more


What are some examples of traumatic events?

Sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, natural disasters, car accidents, death of a loved one, domestic violence


What is physical abuse? Name 3 examples of physical abuse.

Physical abuse is any injury to a child caused by an adult on purpose. 

Examples: Hitting, whipping, beating, biting, kicking, or anything that harms a child's/adolescent’s body


What are ways therapy helps with trauma?

Talking about my thoughts/feelings, facing my problems, understanding my emotions and reactions, and more

What feelings might someone experience after being physically abused?

Scared, confused, angry, guilty, sad, etc. 


True or False: When I've been through a very scary or stressful event (trauma), my brain keeps me on alert so I will be ready in case that bad thing happens again.

True! This is why we worry more and feel more anxious or on edge. 


Is child abuse common?

Unfortunately, it is. A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds. At least 1 in 7 children have experienced child abuse and/or neglect in the past year, and this is likely an underestimate. 


What are some things we will do in therapy?

Talk about trauma and other problems going on, learn about thoughts/feelings, develop coping skills.


What thoughts might people have after trauma?

"It was my fault," "I'm a bad kid," "I'm ashamed," "Something is wrong with me," "What will happen if someone finds out?" "It's my fault if they get in trouble," "I can't trust anybody," and more


What emotion do many children who have experienced violence interpret when they see neutral faces?

Anger! This interpretation can trigger your amygdala to tell you "Hey! When anger is around, it's not safe! It's time to protect yourself!"


What makes it hard for a child or teen to tell someone they are being physically abused?

 They might avoid talking about trauma to avoid the uncomfortable feelings or thoughts, they may feel embarrassed about what happened, they may feel guilty for disclosing, they may not know it is wrong, they may not want to get anyone in trouble, they may think they deserved it


What are things people do to deal with trauma

Suppress memories, abuse drugs/alcohol, self harm, go to therapy, talk to loved ones, journal, and more


What are the physical sensations people who have been abused might experience?

Racing heart, stomach aches, headaches, tense muscles, difficulty breathing, sweating, dizziness, lightheadedness, tingly, hot, etc.


After trauma, is my brain permanently damaged?

No. Changes in the brain after a traumatic event can improve over time. This is especially true when you are in a safe and stable environment and surrounded by supportive people. Therapy can also help you see positive changes. 


Why do some adults physically hurt their children?

Some adults do not know how to manage their emotions in a healthy way or they didn't have a role model on how to correct behaviors of children. When children’s behaviors get worse in response to being hit, parents may feel even more stress. When physical punishment does not create the results a parent seeks, the parent may escalate the punishment, and the child and parent may get locked in a vicious cycle of greater violence on the part of parents, and greater acting out on the part of the children.

The most important thing to remember is that it is never the child's fault for being physically abused. 


True or False: Trauma memories will go away.

FALSE (Memories likely won't disappear forever, but hopefully they will pop up less often and if they do, it won't be as hard to think about them)


What does it mean to dissociate?

Dissociation is a common reaction to trauma. It's feeling detached to reality, disconnected, or foggy and may look and feel like zoning out.


Which part of the brain is more active in people who have experienced trauma? A) Reptilian / Survival Brain; B) The Limbic System / Feeling Brain; C) Pre-Frontal Cortex / Thinking Brain

B) The Limbic System / Feeling Brain! This is where your amygdala lives (The part of the brain that senses danger) and is often easily triggered after a traumatic event. 


How does being physically abused impact children?

Being abused may make children feel angry, helpless, powerless, hostile, guilty, or ashamed. It may result in their becoming anxious or depressed. All these negative feelings about themselves increase children’s stress levels and only make it harder for them to behave well. With therapy and support, children can overcome the effects of child physical abuse and go on to lead productive lives.


True or False: It’s only physical abuse if you mean to hurt your child.

False! Even accidental injuries of a child are considered physical abuse if the act that injured the child was done intentionally as a form of punishment