Abuse Facts
The Brain
Misc. Facts

True or false: It is only physical abuse if a parent means to hurt their child?

False: Even accidental injuries of a child are considered physical abuse if the act that injured the child was done intentionally as a form of punishment.


Fight, Flight, Freeze

What are common reactions to stressful events like abuse. 

True or False: Most parent's fighting is the children's fault. 

Violence (physical or verbal) is not an appropriate way to handle disagreements. It’s important to emphasize that most people can disagree, cope with stress, or even get angry without becoming violent. It is never a child's fault for a parent handling disagreements inappropriately.


The alarm system of the brain. 

What is the amygdala?


True or False: Changes to the brain following trauma are permanent?

False: changes in the brain are not permanent. The brain is remarkably plastic, meaning that it changes in response to social and environmental experiences. This enables us to learn, form relationships with people, and develop new skills. Changes in the brain that happen after trauma can improve over time. This is particularly likely to happen when children experience safe, stable, and supportive environments after trauma. In fact, certain kinds of psychotherapy, like cognitive behavioral therapy, can actually lead to positive changes in the same regions of the brain that are influenced by trauma. 


True of false: Child abuse is rare?

False: 1 in 4 children experience it in their lifetime. 


True or False: Avoidance can be a symptom of trauma?

True: Avoidance is a common symptom of trauma as the brain tries to avoid situations it perceives may be harmful. This can fall into the category of "flight" response. 


True or False: Physical punishment or excessive yelling helps parents control their child’s behavior.

False: Parents who use excessive punishment are not in control. Physical punishment does not teach children how to make good decisions, how to determine what is right and wrong, or how to control their own behavior. Instead, physical punishment makes children submissive, fearful, and/or aggressive. It also teaches them that hitting is a way to solve problems with other people.


The part of the brain responsible for memory. 

What is the hippocampus? 

True or False: TFCBT consists of only one part?

False: TFCBT has 8 components. 


    ■ Fear a parent will be mad at them or hurt them         worse for telling
   ■ Desire not to get parent into trouble
   ■ Fear of being removed from the home
   ■ A belief that it’s okay for parents to hurt them
   ■ Fear of not being believed
   ■ Shame or guilt
   ■ Belief they deserve the abuse for “bad” behavior
    ■ They've been instructed not to tell or threatened

What are reasons why children don't tell someone about their abuse. 


Which of the following is not a trauma symptom?
a)bad dreams
b)upsetting memories
c)having trouble concentrating or paying attention d)watching too much watch TV

d) watching too much TV


True or False: It's okay for parents to get angry at their children sometimes.

True - Parents can feel angry at their children sometimes. It is okay to be angry, but it is not okay to hurt your children in anger. Angry feelings cannot get you into trouble, but violent behavior can. It is important for parents to learn how to express and control their anger so that their children learn to do the same.

The messenger between the alarm system and memory storage center of the brain? 

What is the pre-frontal cortex?


True or False: TFCBT treatment takes years and years?

Fales: TFCBT treatment can be expected to be completed in several months depending how consistent you are. There is an end point, or a light at the end of the tunnel. 


True or False: Actual rates of child physical abuse are probably higher than current statistics.

True: Actual rates of child physical abuse are probably higher than current statistics, since not every case is reported.


True or false: If someone doesn't remember all of the parts of their trauma, it means they did not experience trauma and don't need help. 

False: Effects on memory is a common result of traumatic experiences and someone who does not remember parts of their trauma still experienced trauma and can still have trauma symptoms. 


True or False: Every parent who engages in abuse is malicious or a bad person? 

False: While there are always some people in the world who desire or like to hurt others, not all parents are malicious or bad people for resorting to physical punishment. Many parents escalate to abuse in the effort to control their child's behavior. However, engaging in abusive parenting strategies is harmful, can worsen behavior, and not acceptable. Parents should be learning acceptable ways to manage their child's behavior. 

A stress response to something that would normally be perceived as safe. 

What is a false alarm? 


True or False: A child completes TFCBT by themselves with their therapist to make sure they get practice being strong and independent. 

False: TFCBT has a parenting component to allow for reinforcement of concepts learned and to allow for support during the trauma narrative component. 


Berating, name calling, threatening, excessive yelling, excessive ignoring. 

What are examples of psychological abuse (


Name 3 ways abuse can cause emotional and behavioral challenges for children who experience it.

-Submissive, fearful, aggressive
-Loss of trust, difficulties with friends
-Angry, helpless, powerless, hostile, guilty, ashamed
-Chronically anxious or depressed, increased stress


True or false: Parents who yell or hit teach their children to solve their problems peacefully.

False: Yelling or hitting teaches children to solve problems by using aggressive means, such as yelling or hitting. 


A stimulus that creates a false alarm or stress response. 

What is a trigger?


What does TF-CBT stand for?
a) Trauma Fault-Children Behavior Therapy
b) Truancy Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy c)Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy
d) Trauma-Focused Children Behavior Therapy

c)Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy