Palliative Care Revolution
Changing Patterns in Memorialization
Social Justice Issues

The development of the medical specialty of palliative care differed from previous medicalized approaches to death and dying in what ways?

-search for a 'good life' and 'dignified death'

-emphasis on quality of life at end of life

-see death as a 'normal' part of life as opposed to a medical failure



According to Ernest Becker, the 20th century attitudes towards death are characterized by what?

Death denial - fear of death, denial of mortality

According to Jacobsen, what changes led to the desire for new rituals, more individuality in memorialization in the contemporary period?

-Commercialization, professionalization of funeral industry (memorials are uniform, depersonalized)

-Process of secularization. Religious rituals having less personal significance.

-Pushback against death denial/stigma


What are Jecker's main concerns about current practices surrounding CPR?

-Rare medical procedure for which consent is assumed.

-'Doing good' is often equated with 'doing'


Glaser and Strauss describe these 4 awareness contexts relating to end of life:

-Closed awareness

-Open awareness

-Mutual pretense

-Suspected awareness


According to Aries, European ('Western') attitudes towards death can be understood as following these 4 phases:

-Tamed Death

-Death of One's Own

-Thy Death

-Forbidden Death


According to Hamscher, there are 3 modern 'models' of cemetery design:

1) Rural Cemeteries

2) Lawn-Park Design

3) Memorial Park Design


What is heteronormativity? How can this impact EOL experiences of 2SLGBTQ patients and families?

The presumption of heterosexuality, notion that heterosexuality is the default, other sexual orientations are stigmatized.

Worries about discrimination in institutional settings, that rights of partners won't be recognized...


Corr's Task-Based Model of Caring for the Dying includes the following dimensions:

-Physical tasks

-Psychological tasks

-Social tasks

-Spiritual tasks


Jacobsen argues that contemporary attitudes towards death are ambivalent, and influenced by the following 4 elements:




-Palliative Care Revolution



We watched a documentary that exhibited these 6 'new' end-of-life and death care practices that are indicative of the age of spectacular death.

1) space burial

2) eternal reefs

3) living wake

4) green burial


6) celebration of life


What was the 'Walking With Our Sisters' exhibit? What did it symbolize?

Beaded moccasin ‘vamps’ (tops) representing the unfinished lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women.


Members of the LGBTQ community often express concern that their relationships with '_______' will not be recognized, thus resulting in stigmatization and disenfranchised grief.

chosen family

Terror Management Theory asserts that reminders of death may trigger the following 2 defense mechanisms:

-Distal defenses

-Proximal defenses


Digital obituaries have led to these kinds of changes in the tone and style of obituary writing.

More informal, emotional, addressing the audience and the deceased, obituaries used to raise awareness of a social issue, obituaries penned by the dying person, friends, family. Obits for 'ordinary' people. Interactivity.


What is feminicide?

The continuum of gender-based violence that is often met with impunity and that sometimes leads to death.

What are some of the changes that have been made to MAID eligibility since legalization in 2016? What might be some particular concerns about these changes from the perspective of palliative care providers?

-Removal of 'reasonably foreseeable' criteria in 2021. 

-Access to quality palliative care is not universal, but access to MAID is. Concerns about priorities, funding, ongoing stigma surrounding death and dying.


What is the significance of 'cultural worldviews' for TMT?

You tell me!!


According to Weaver, in response to the issue of i) ________, ii) these grassroots practices seek to honour the identity and personhood of the dead and the grief of the trans and broader LGBTQ community.

i) post-mortem de-transitioning

ii) contentious memorialization practices... such as...


These are considered to be the 3 root causes of femicide.

1) patriarchal oppression; 

2) structural violence; 

3) intersectional oppressions.