Thank God for Punk!
Thank God for Punk!
Thank God for Punk!
Thank God for Punk!
Thank God for Punk!
What age groups did Chicano bands target their music at in the 50's and 60's
High school kids and younger
Who formed the Odd Squad?
Angela and Monica
What band was influenced by country, rhythms, and later added electric cello, bongos, and bass.
Las Tres
Who taught Rick and Barry Rillera of the Rhythm Rockers about the blues?
Their sisters (Angelica and Monica).
The Brat could never have done as well without the assistance of ______.
Tito Larriva
What song were the Plugz famous for? ...They played it three times faster than the fast version
La Bamba
Why was the name Clinches an ironic title for "the ladies"
Because there were almost no female-only bands at the time.
Where did Teresa and Rudy Medina meet? Who was playing?
During a performance by English band the Jam at the Starwood, a club in Hollywood.
Where did Medina and Covarrubias attend punk shows
Hollywood and the West side
When did the Brat officially disband
In 1987
What made the Brat more than "your average LA band"
Teresa's lyrics since they were not mean or nasty, but cutting.
What popular oldie song did the Brat refuse to record?
Angel Baby
Vogel, Teresa Covarrubias, and Alice Armendaris were members of what band?
Las Tres
Who were considered local heroes from the start?
Thee Midniters and Cannibal and the Headhunters
What was the contradiction that Punk Rock got caught in during the 70's and 80's?
Giving the finger to the corporate world, big business, and million-dollar rock scars. Yet, having to sell records to get their message across
"At times _____ felt like a woman without a country" Who and why?
Teresa; She did not fit in with the majority of the East side bc she listened to punk and the new wave.
What brought the Odd Squad to an end
Monica's desire to further her education, as well as her sister's all-consuming responsibilities as the mother of a young child.
What kind of issues did Las Tres Chicanas sing about?
Domestic violence and raising children
Describe the style on the Plugz on "Better Luck"
The band slows down the tempo, cools down the anger, and achieve a more melodic sound.
Why was Teresa surprised when she saw Rudy in the crowd?
Because he is a Chicano
What was the purpose of the Vex Club in East LA
Part of the club's purpose was to eliminate the barriers that inhibited Chicanos from playing in other parts of LA, and that kept outsiders from coming to the neighborhood.
Why were Los Illegales unsuccessful?
Because the anger that they expressed was not universal.
How long was the punk and the new wave almost exclusively game?
From 1976- 77
Why was Punk appealing to Chicanos besides its raw energy and spontaneity?
It could be combined with theater, poetry, and the visual arts
What were some of the elements of Chicano rock n roll that the Illegals brought with them?
Art, theater, and poetry