Which concept is this?
The Passive Voice
Identify The Common Place
Identify The Advantageous

An example of this would be: "The slideshow was created by the students".

The Passive Voice


Instead of saying "The doctor diagnosed him with cancer"

"He was diagnosed with cancer by the doctor"


"I think we should workout to burn fat."

"I think we should workout to gain stamina."

Both want to workout in order to better themselves


A mother and daughter are arguing about not doing chores. The mother says that in order for her to get $20, she has to finish the work.



An example of this would be: "My mom offered to bring me to the mall if I cleaned the dishes".

The Advantageous


Instead of saying "Johnny ate the last slice"

"The last slice was eaten by Johnny"


"I think that the school should offer healthier lunch options."

"I think that the school should improve food quality."

Both think that the school should change lunch options.


Two friends are asked to help move their other friend into a new apartment. They are hesitant and don't want to so the other friend says he'll buy them dinner after.

Buying them dinner.


An example of this would be: "A student is relaxing with some friends and agrees to give his friend help with some work. Normally he would put up a fight."

Comfort/ Cognitive Ease


Instead of saying "Bob did not contribute any work to the project"

"No work on the project was contributed by Bob"


"I think that dogs are better than humans."

"I think that cats are better than humans."

Both think that animals are better than humans.


Jack and Jill are told by their mother to go get a pail of water from the well. Jack says he doesn't want to and Jill says she'll only do it if Jack goes. Their mother tells Jack that she'll give him a cookie if he goes, so they do. 

Jack's is the cookie and Jill's is jack going along.