

True or false

Tryptophan in Turkey causes severe drowsiness.

Answer True

Tryptophan can make a person sleepy when combined with other amino acids.


What Indigenous people participated in the first Thanksgiving of 1621?





Answer Wampanoag

The Wampanoag lived on land which now constitutes parts of Rhode Island and Massachusetts.


True or False

You can observe Thanksgiving in Germany.

Answer Yes

They hold The Harvest Thanksgiving Festival on the first Sunday of October.


Which one of these foods was most likely served at the first Thanksgiving in 1621?

a.cranberry sauce

b.candied yams


d.pumpkin pie

Answer c.cornbread

Colonists did not have access to wheat flour, so there were no crusts for traditional Thanksgiving pies.

The first known recipe for candied yams appeared in 1889.


In 1863, which U.S. president proclaimed the last Thursday in November a national Thanksgiving day?

Answer Abraham Lincoln

Shortly after a hard-fought victory at the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November to be set aside as a day of thanksgiving.


True or False

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises against cooking stuffing inside a turkey.

Answer True

The CDC recommends cooking stuffing in a casserole dish. Bacteria from the raw poultry can seep into the stuffing which may not get cookies as thoroughly as the bird.


What state raises the most turkeys?

Answer Minnesota

Minnesota raises 40 to 42 million birds a year.


What professional football team has played on nearly every Thanksgiving Day since 1934?

a.Detroit Lions

b.Seattle Seahawks

c.Kansas City Chiefs

d.Chicago Bears

e.Dallas Cowboys

Answer a.Detroit Lions

New team owner George A. Richards came up with the idea for his team to play on the holiday to boost awareness and ticket sales.

How many minutes a day does the average American spend eating and drinking?

Points are given if the answer is within ±5miniutes of the actual answer.

Answer 67minutes (62minutes ~ 72 minutes)


What Thanksgiving vegetable was grown in space?

Answer. The potato

In 1995, potatoes were growing in space inside the Columbia space shuttle.


Spurred on by economic reasons, Franklin Roosevelt made what change to Thanksgiving?

canceled it

advocated for chicken instead of turkey

made it a two-day holiday

made it earlier in the year

Answer made it earlier in the year

Because of the Great Depression, FDR moved Thanksgiving to be a week earlier; detractors called this "Franksgiving."


How many calories on average are consumed per person at Thanksgiving?

Points are given if the answer is between the actual answer.

Answer 3000 to 4500

According to estimates by the Calorie Control Council, Americans take in 3000 to 4500 calories at their Thanksgiving celebrations.


How much did the world's largest pumpkin pie weigh? 

Points are given if your answer is within ±200pounds of the actual answer.

Answer 3,699 pounds (3,499 ~ 3,899)

The pie, made by New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers in Ohio on September 25, 2010, weighed almost 3,700 pounds and was 20 feet in diameter.


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately how many colonists were living in America in 1620?

Points are given if your answer is within ±100

Answer 2,499 (2,399~2,599)


According to a YouGov survey, what is one of the three things Americans report being most thankful for?

Answer Family, health, and life

41% of survey-takers report being thankful for family, 33% for health, and 19% for being alive.