What christmas song was created originally to be sung on thanksgiving?
Jingle Bells
What sport do Americans like to play and watch on Thanksgiving day?
What orange fruit is used as a symbol of Thanksgiving
The name of the ship the Pilgrims took from England to America.
The loose red skin attached to the underside of a turkey’s beak is called what?
What President denied Thanksgiving to be a holiday?
Thomas Jefferson
What is the name of the special parade on TV on Thanksgiving?
Macy's Day Parade
The name of the settlers who came to North America in 1620.
The name of the town the pilgrims started when they got to America.
Was Turkey on the menu at the first Thanksgiving?
(Extra points if you can tell what was the substitute for turkey)
ducks, geese, and deer
What is the national average for guests at a Thanksgiving dinner table?
What 2 NFL Teams have played the most on Thanksgiving?
Cowboys and Lions
What is the term for the noise a turkey makes?
Gobble Gobble
How many passengers were there on the Mayflower?
(Extra Points: How many pilgrims survived until the first Thanksgiving?)
102 passengers
53 Passengers
What were the three main crops served at Thanksgiving?
corn, beans, and squash
Over or under 230 grams of fat consumed at an average Thanksgiving meal?
What is The part of the turkey that two people pull apart to see if their wish will be granted?
What is the horn shaped item in the middle of tables around Thanksgiving called?
How long was the Mayflower’s trip from England to America?
Two months
What is it called when you stuff a turkey with a chicken with a duck?
A turducken
What is the name of the small red berry that people sometimes eat with turkey on Thanksgiving?
True or False
Thanksgiving time is the busiest travel time in the whole year.
What day does Canada Celebrate Thanksgiving? America celebrates it the 4th Thursday of November.
Second Monday of October
The year of the first Thanksgiving
What is the speed that a turkey can run when it is scared?
20 miles per hour