Pinoy Pride
Pop Culture
Myth & Literature
Periodic Table
Medical Breakthroughs

Filipina Lea Salonga has supplied the singing voice of two Disney princesses -- Mulan in 1998, and this princess who discovered "A Whole New World" in 1992's "Aladdin".

Who is Princess Jasmine?


This 1980s arcade game features a yellow, circular character navigating a maze while avoiding ghosts and eating dots.

What is Pac-Man?


This Greek god is known as the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus.

Who is Zeus?


O is the symbol for this element.

What is Oxygen?


Marketed as a children's fever medicine with the slogan "For little hotheads," this brand of the over-the-counter pain reliever acetaminophen was introduced in 1955.

What is "Tylenol"?


This international competition has been won by women from the Philippines on four occasions: Gloria Diaz in 1969, Margie Moran in 1971, Pia Wurtzbach in 2015, and Catriona Gray in 2018.

What is Miss Universe?


With fans commonly known as the “Bey Hive”, this artist released her live album “Homecoming” in 2019.

Who is Beyonce?


This Norse god is associated with thunder and lightning.

Who is Thor?


I am a noble gas with 2 electrons in my outer energy level.

What is Helium?


Discovered in 1928, this groundbreaking substance revolutionized medicine by combatting bacterial infections.

What is Penicillin?


The national flower of the Philippines is a five-petal white flower called Arabian jasmine, better known by this common name.

 What is Sampaguita?


This 1994 film, directed by Quentin Tarantino, intertwines multiple stories of crime in Los Angeles.

What is "Pulp Fiction"?


This sea creature from Greek mythology lured sailors to their doom with their enchanting music and voices.

What are Sirens?


The mass number of an elements shows ___ and ___

What is Protons and Neutrons?


In the US, basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of this type of cancer.

What is Skin Cancer?


A beach in Malay, Aklan, Philippines, located on an archipelago island, has this name due to the color of its sand, also the color of Christmas in a Bing Crosby song.

White Beach


The license plate ECTO-1 appears in this movie.

What is "The Ghostbusters"?


Welcome to Dead House from 1992 was the first of the books in the Goosebumps series by this author who by now has sold a spooky number of copies.

Who is R.L. Stine?


This group on the periodic table has 7 valence electrons.

What is Halogens?


This medical term comes from the Greek word for “without breathing” and is included in the name of a condition where a person experiences brief pauses in breathing while they’re asleep.

What is (Sleep) Apnea?


Easily earning her social work merit badge, Josefa Llanes Escoda founded the Philippines branch of this youth organization.

What is Girl Scouts?


In November 1967 John Lennon appeared on the cover of this music magazine's first issue.

What is "Rolling Stone"?


George Orwell based Room 101 in 1984 on a real boardroom at this broadcast network where he spent many a long meeting.

What is BBC?


There are this many liquids on the periodic table.

What is 2?


The 1974 Pilot song "Magic" has been adapted into an "oh, oh, oh" commercial jingle for this branded diabetes medication whose generic name is semaglutide.

What is Ozempic?