Which country is this flag from ?
The oldest flag in the world?
The first commandment
You shall have no other gods before Me
Who was the first black president of South Africa?
Nelson Mandela
Why did the chicken cross the road?
What is "To get to the other side"?
Which flag is this flag from ?
Which country has the most islands
1. Finland
2. Norway
3. Sweden
Sweden: 267,570. only 984 are inhabited
Who are the Sons of Thunder in the bible
James and John
Victoria Falls is on the border of what two countries
Zambia and Zimbabwe
How can Sarah be in 4th grade for 27 years?
She teaches 4th grade
Which country is this flag from ?
The Eiffel Tower gets taller in the summer
True or false
When the iron heats up, the tower can be up to 15 centimeters (6 inches) taller due to thermal expansion.
The oldest man in the bible, Methuselah died before his father. How could that be ?
His father was enoch who did not die. Genesis 5:24
Largest country in Africa
Is there a 4th of July in England?
Yes, it comes after the 3rd.
Which country is this flag from?
What is the hardest bone is the human body?
6 People Whose Name was changed in the Bible...
1. Abram to Abraham, 2. Sarai to Sarah3. Jacob to Israel 4. Joseph to Zaphnathpaaneah, 5. Belteshazzar to Daniel 6. Hananiah to Shadrach 7. Mishael to Meshach 8. Azariah to Abednego 9. Jerubbaal to Baal 10. Mara to Naomi 11. Solomon to Jedidiah 12. Saul to Paul 13. Oshea to Joshua
What is the capital of Madagascar?
Take off my skin, I won't cry but you will what am I?
What is an onion?
Which countries are these flags from?
a. Romania & Chad
b. Chad & Maldova
C. Maldova & Romania
D. Both are the same
A. Romania & Chad
The longest river in the world
What is "the Nile river "
This disease is mentioned in the Bible more than any other
Approximately how many languages spoken today are native to Africa? (guess between 50 and 5000)
What starts with the letter P ands with the letter E and has a 1000 letters in it?
What is a post office?