What sound does a turkey make?
What is the day after thanksgiving known as?
Black Friday
What sound does a turkey's phone make?
Wing! Wing!
What key won't open any door?
a turkey
True or False: Cat can not taste anything that is sweet.
Which state produces the most turkeys annually?
a) Kansas
b) Ohio
c) Arkansas
d) Minnesota
d) Minnesota
What U.S state consumes the most turkey?
What do math teachers bake for thanksgiving?
Pumpkin Pi
What was little Timmy thankful for on Thanksgiving Day?
That he wasn't a turkey.
Hippopotamus milk is
a) white
b) brown
c) pink
d) black
C) Pink
Approximately what percentage of American homes eat turkey on thanksgiving?
a) 49%
b) 67%
c) 82%
d) 90%
d) 90%
How many NFL games are played on Thanksgiving?
What did the little turkey say to the big turkey?
"Peck on someone your own size"
Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
To prove he wasn't chicken!)
True or False: snail take the longest naps with some lasting as long as a year
False; as long as 3 years
What is a female turkey called?
a) rooster
b) cuckoo
c) chick
d) hen
d) hen
When was the 1st Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?
What's inside a Genie's turkey?
Why was the turkey the drummer in the band?
because he had the drumsticks
What was the 1st food eaten in outer space?
a) applesauce
b) banana
c) ice cream
d) cake
a) applesauce
About how many feathers does a mature turkey have?
a) 1500
b) 2000
c) 3500
d) 5000
d) 5000
When was the 1st Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
November 26, 1789
What do you call it when it rains turkeys?
Foul Weather
Why did the farmer wash the turkey's mouth out with soup?
Because he used fowl language.
True or False: Snow on Venus is metal