People and Traditions

Thanksgiving is always celebrated in this month of the year.

What is November?


Most people roast one of these big birds for Thanksgiving dinner

What is a turkey?


The day after Thanksgiving has become known for super big sales at department stores, and people do a lot of Christmas shopping on this day.

What is Black Friday?


This is the world's largest parade and happens every year on Thanksgiving morning in New York City

What is the Macy's Day Parade?


These traditional Thanksgiving desserts are round and often filled with fruit and topped with ice cream

What are pies?


True or False:

The first Thanksgiving took place in the year 1621

What is True!


This red jelly-like fruit sauce goes very well with roast turkey

What is cranberry sauce?


This is also known as The Horn of Plenty and is a traditional centerpiece used to decorate the thanksgiving table

What is a cornucopia?


People like to play this and watch this popular American sport every year on Thanksgiving


What is football?


This is not really a traditional cake, and not really traditional cheese, but it is a tasty, sweet dessert

What is cheesecake?


This group of people settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts and were the ones who celebrated the first Thanksgiving

What were the pilgrims?


This is made from small chunks of bread and can be "stuffed" inside of the turkey to cook

What is stuffing?


The most popular way for people to eat leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner is by making this with two pieces of bread, turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce

What is a sandwich?


Families and friends like to sit down together to play games after Thanksgiving dinner, especially this game using letter tiles to make words like a crossword puzzle

What is Scrabble?


You could make this type of pie by cooking your jack-o-lantern, if you had to...

What is pumpkin pie?


Abraham Lincoln declared that this day of the week (during the last week of November) would always be Thanksgiving Day

What is Thursday?


This orange vegetable is often served at Thanksgiving and is also a favorite food of Bugs Bunny

What are carrots?


When it's not possible to be with family on Thanksgiving, many people get together with their friends to celebrate and enjoy a turkey dinner, and call it ______________________

What is Friendsgiving?


Many people like to watch Christmas movies on Thanksgiving night, especially this funny movie about one of Santa's helpers

What is Elf?


This very sweet candy is shaped like a triangle and has 3 sections- white, orange, and yellow

What is candy corn?


The name of the ship that the Puritans sailed on when they came to the Americas was called The _______________ .

What is The Mayflower?


You can pour gravy over french fries, but it tastes better when poured onto this type of cooked potato

What are mashed potatoes?


Almost as soon as Thanksgiving is over, people start getting ready for this next big holiday in December.

What is Christmas?


Many people are so tired and relaxed that they have to do this in the afternoon because they have eaten so much at the Thanksgiving table

What is take a nap?


This dessert comes in many flavors and can really be eaten any time of year - Thanksgiving or not - as long as you keep it in the freezer

What is ice cream?