Fact or Opinion
Making Inferences
Evidence & Point of View
My brother was too old for a pacifier.  My mom took it COLD TURKEY.  He never saw it again. What does COLD TURKEY mean?

What is... right away, immediately, etc.


They should have served pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving.  Fact or Opinion?

What is... opinion


I am a thick meaty, sauce.  You pour me on your meal.  I'm great on mashed potatoes.  What am I?

What is... gravy


I am thankful for the weather that produced such a bountiful crop this year.  This point of view belongs to:

a. a turkey

b. a farmer

c. a teacher

What is... B - a farmer


Around Thanksgiving, I CRAVE turkey.  What does the word CRAVE mean?

What is... when you want something very badly 

*Other answers are possible (teacher discretion)


We had a surprise part planned for Chris, but Skyler SPILLED THE BEANS.  What does SPILLED THE BEANS mean?

What is... to tell a secret


I think the Pilgrims were hard working people.  Fact or opinion?

What is... opinion


You can peel off my skin and boil me in a pot.  Mash, mash, mash, me up!  Add butter and serve me hot!  What am I?

What is... mashed potatoes! 


I am thankful for beautiful weather during recess, hardworking students, and a nice school.  The point of view belongs to:

a. a turkey

b. a farmer

c. a teacher

What is... C - a teacher


Our Thanksgiving _______ always consists of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry salad.  What word is missing?

What is... meal, feast, or dinner


This Thanksgiving, I intend to PIG OUT on turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie.  What does PIG OUT mean?

What is... to eat a lot of something

The Pilgrims were from England.  Fact or opinion?

What is... a fact


When you peel my outer husk, you'll see my kernels of gold.  Eat me on the cob or from the can.  I'm best served warm.  What am I?

What is... corn


I am thankful if I'm not chosen to join everyone for dinner.  What point of view am I?

a. a turkey

b. a farmer

c. a teacher

What is... A - a turkey


The aroma of turkey and stuffing fresh from the oven filled Grandma's house.  What does aroma mean?

What is... smell or scent


Eating lots of Thanksgiving food makes me so tired.  I usually HIT THE HAY right after dessert.  What does HIT THE HAY mean?

What is... go to sleep or take a nap


In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest.  Fact or opinion?

What is... a fact


I am a tasty treat for a squirrel.  I come from an oak tree.  I'm a smooth oval nut.  Outside is where you'll find me.  What am I?

What is... an acorn


In the year 1620, a group of 102 people left their homes in England.  These people wanted to pray in their own way, but they were not allowed to.  

Why did 102 people leave their homes in England?

What is... they wanted to pray in their own way or freedom of religion


I am so famished right now.  I think I could devour that entire turkey by myself in five minutes!  What does famished mean?

What is... very hungry, starving, hangry, etc.


Aunt Wendy is planning to EAT LIKE A BIRD this Thanksgiving, because she is on a diet. What does EAT LIKE A BIRD mean?

What is... not eat a lot or eat very little


It isn't fair that the Pilgrims could only bring a few things on the Mayflower.  Fact or opinion?

What is... an opinion


I'm used in a fun fall sport.  You throw me through the sky.  I'm brown, and I have laces.  You'll have to fun to try to catch me.  What am I?

What is... a football


Life on the Mayflower was very difficult.  The Pilgrims lived under the deck of the ship.  It was very crowded and damp.  It was also very dark and smelly down there.  Many Pilgrims got seasick and threw up!  There was no fresh water for baths or drinking.  The trip lasted 66 days.

What is TEXT EVIDENCE that proves life was very difficult for the Pilgrims?

What is... It was very crowded and damp.  It was also very dark and smelly.  Many Pilgrims got seasick.  There was no fresh water.

John overindulged in the many Thanksgiving foods, and he ended up with a stomach ache.  What does overindulged mean?

What is... ate too much, stuffed, full, etc.