Pie, Cinderella, Halloween share a common theme.
what is a pumpkin
The towers UVNV operates off of
What is T-Mobile
This is the sound a male turkey makes
What is gobble gobble
An unfair play in a game or sport.
What is Fowl Play
Black Friday attracts more people than this major amusement park
What is Disneyland
You can roast, bake, fry, boil and enjoy this delicacy
What is a turkey
Hit Singles: "I'm 'n Luv (Wit a Stripper)", "Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin')", "Bartender"
What is T-Pain
A race many people run on Thanksgiving morning
A turkey's glass of choice
What is a Gob-let
This online event happens the weekday after Black Friday
What is Cyber Monday
Traditionally served throughout Autumn and various holidays, this item is sometimes heated and mulled.
What is apple cider?
Dinosaur species in Toy Story
What is T-Rex
This is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey's neck
What is the wattle
Used to express shock, excitement, disbelief, etc - Oh My _____
What is Oh My Gourd
The decade Black Friday became a national term
What is the 1990s
After carving the turkey, you break this piece for good luck
What is a wishbone?
Members of TLC include Left Eye, Chilli Thomas and...
What is T-Boz
Female turkeys are called hens. This is what male turkeys are called.
What are toms
No paddles or sails needed to pour it up
What is Gravy Boat
The city in which the term Black Friday originated
What is Philadelphia
About 5M gallons of this jelly variant are consumed by Americans every holiday season.
What is cranberry sauce?
The forehead and nose considered together as a region of the face that can, in some people, produce excess oil
What is T-Zone
This state produces the most turkeys each year
How to exorcise a possessed turkey
What is Poultry-geist
The number of Americans that reported they planned to shop on Black Friday in 2021
What is 108 million