What is the name of the street of the Dean Family House?
What is Harris Street?
What is the name of the lady who stayed on Harris and created this family?
Who is Nellie Mae?
After Nay passed, Susan took over his recipe for this item
What is Dressing?
This game is popular amongst black people, those who dont know how to black get their black card removed.
What is spades?
What is September?
What is the name of the Dog at the Dean Family House?
Who is Smokey?
How Many children did Nellie Mae have?
What is 6?
Susan likes to cook this item but she doesn't eat it.
What is green beans?
This game is usually played by the men of the family, and it involves counting.
What is dominos?
Whose birthday is in the month of July?
Who is Mandy and Susan?
What is the secret flavor Mandy put in her spaghetti?
What is sugar?
Who is the oldest Daughter of Nellie Mae?
Who is Oretha?
This item is usually eaten with greens and cabbage.
What is cornbread?
This game is competitive. You can either play the basic way or the ghetto way.
What is Uno?
What is December?
What color did the grandchildren wear at Mandy's Funeral?
What is white?
Who is Sylvia?
This item is usually eaten during thanksgiving and can be baked or fried.
What is Turkey?
This game involves throwing and snaping.
What is dice?
When is nudda's birthday?
What is Mandy's Mother name and what is her Grandmother's name? (nicknames)
Who is Sweetie Bee and Neacie Dean?
Who is the first grandchild and the 1st greatgrandchild of Betty?
Who is Takorsha and SaMyiah?
These two items are similar, one is baked and the other is cooked on the stove.
What is spaghetti and lasagna?
This game involves listing and marking off spaces.
What is Bingo?
Whose birthday is the 1st of the year?
Who is Nellie Mae?