Mashed Potatoes

Betsy was busy cleaning when all of a sudden she smelled something. She ran to the kitchen. "Oh no!" What happened?

The food burned.

After working all day, we finally had a huge pile! The colors were beautiful! We ran and jumped in the pile! I could hear them crunching under my body! What are the kids doing?

They are jumping into a pile of leaves.


We ran around looking for a way out. The corn stalks were so thick that we couldn't see through them. Finally, we found the end. What are the kids doing?

They are walking through a corn maze.


Joe is eating the last piece of pumpkin pie. Your little cousin points at Joe and starts crying. Then, your cousin points at the crumbs in the pie dish. What happened?

The little cousin is upset because the cousin wanted more pie, but there is none left.


"Does he like when people tell jokes?" I asked my mom. "Honey, I'm honestly not sure." Mom replied. "What if he doesn't? What if Grandpa thinks I'm annoying." I stammered. "Honey, relax, he will love you! You're his grandson and you look just like him!" Mom gushed. "Wait, I do?" I asked in amazement. "I can't wait until he gets here for Thanksgiving dinner!" How is the grandson feeling at the beginning and end of the story?

The grandson is feeling nervous at first, but at the end of the story is feeling excited to meet his grandfather.


It's on every Thanksgiving morning! We watch it for hours and see huge balloons shaped like Snoopy and every other new and old popular character. There are entertainers, the floats, and marching bands from high schools across the country. In a couple of weeks there will be a local version stretching over several blocks in the downtown area. It isn't as large as the one on television on Thanksgiving Day, but it's easier to go see and just as much fun. What is this?

A parade

We walked around looking for the perfect one. It had to be huge and it had to be bright orange. Finally, we found it and plucked it from the vine. What are the kids doing?

They are finding a pumpkin.


The farmer placed it in the ground. He was tired of those crows stealing his vegetables. He would scare them away. What did the farmer place in the ground?

The farmer placed a scarecrow in the ground.


The pile was still so big. The soapy water filled the sink. Erin's hands were getting wrinkled. She decided that she would serve dinner on paper plates next year. What is she doing?

She is washing the dishes.


"Smile, Matty!" Mrs. Pierce cooed as she held her iPhone above Matty's head. "He looks so cute in his turkey onesie!" she said to Mr. Pierce. "I know...and the sad part is he can't even eat any turkey this year!" Mr. Pierce replied. "I know, but there is always next year, right, Matty?" Mrs. Pierce said as she picked up her son and kissed his cheek. How old is Matty?

Matty is a baby.


Michael got out two large bags of apples, a huge pot, and an apple peeler. Next, he found cinnamon and sugar and set them on the counter beside the apples. "I'm so glad we have the new peeler this year!" he said to his mom, "that will make things so much faster!" What will happen next?

Next, they will peel the apples.


First, we rolled out the dough. Then, we put it in a pie plate. Next, we added the fruit. Then, we put a crust on top. Finally, we put it in the oven and baked it. What are the kids doing?

They are baking an apple pie.


Mom was packing away all of our summer clothes. We wouldn't be needing our shorts and flip-flops for awhile. Why was mom packing away their summer clothes?

She was packing away their summer clothes because it was Fall.


"Please don't pull up to the front of my daughter's house," Mrs. Murphy instructed her taxi driver. "Sure thing!" the driver replied, as he pulled up to a stop two blocks away. "Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!" she said as she got her bag out of the taxi. "Thank you, ma'am," he called out the window as Mrs. Murphy hurried up her daughter's street. Why did Mrs. Murphy not want the taxi driver to drop her off in front of her daughter's house?

Mrs. Murphy is surprising her daughter for Thanksgiving.

Brianna pointed to a spot in the driveway close to the door and asked her dad to pull in there. "I'm as close as I can get without blocking anyone's car. You won't melt," Dad said. "But, the pumpkin pie will!" Brianna replied. "That's why we wrapped it in foil, dear," Dad replied calmly. "Fine!" Brianna huffed as she pulled her hood up over her head. What is the weather like?

It is raining.


Sally's mother asked her to watch her baby cousin, while she and the baby's mom and dad made pies in the kitchen. Sally got bored after a few minutes and started to play with her iPad instead. A few minutes later, there was a loud crash and Sally saw a vase on the coffee table fall to the floor. What do you think happened?

The baby cousin accidentally knocked over the vase, while Sally was on her iPad.


The center snapped the ball to the quarterback. He threw the ball to the receiver in the end zone. Touchdown! What are the kids doing?

They are watching football.


Edward was making dinner rolls. The direction said to put them in the oven for twenty minutes. Edward put the rolls in the oven, but then he got involved in watching a football game. He came back to the kitchen an hour later to take the rolls out of the oven. What will happen next?

The rolls will be burnt. 

"How did my football get in your dirty clothes hamper?" Josh asked his little brother, Brian. "I don't know, it's your ball." Brian responded. "Whatever," he said as he shut my door shut. "Happy Thanksgiving to you too" Brian called behind him. "Well, that plan didn't work," Brian thought to himself as he watched Joshua and his friends tossing the football around in the backyard from my bedroom window. Why was the football in Brian's dirty clothes hamper? What was Brian's plan?

Brian wanted Joshua to invite him to toss the football with his friends in the backyard.


Alex can see twenty, maybe thirty people in the audience waiting to see him and his classmates perform the Thanksgiving play when he peeks out from behind the curtain. "You will all do wonderfully!" Mrs. Black assures the class. Alex hopes she is right, but he can't remember any of his lines. How is Alex feeling?

Alex is feeling nervous.


Daisy's aunt, uncle, and cousins knocked on the door. "Whew, what a drive! Glad that's finally over!" her uncle said as he walked in, carrying a large suitcase. Daisy's aunt was carrying a large suitcase as well. After she put it down, she hugged Daisy and said  "It will be wonderful to spend time with you this week!" What can you infer?

Daisy's aunt, uncle, and cousins drove a long distance to arrive at Daisy's house and will be staying at Daisy's house for the week.

I stretched my arm and plucked the ripe, red fruit from the tree. If we collected enough, mom was going to make a pie. Yum! What is the kid doing?

The kid is picking apples to make an apple pie.


Ben greeted everyone with a big hug. "Did you bring the cornbread?" asked Grandma. Ben then says "I'll be right back!" He grabs his keys and walks to the driveway. What happened?

Ben forgot to bring the cornbread and is going to the store to buy some.


"Dad how does the table look?" Ally asked. "Great, but I need you to set two more places fro Uncle Bill and Aunt Barbara", Dad replied. "Where will we put them?" Ally wondered aloud. "I don't know, but I have to go finish cooking the three turkeys and six pans of rolls. Do you have this covered?" Dad asked. "I'll do what I can!" Ally said. Were the dad and Ally expecting Uncle Bill and Aunt Barbara? How many people are coming to their Thanksgiving?

They were not expecting them to come. A lot of people will be coming for their Thanksgiving.

"How many times have I told you to pick up your toys before Thanksgiving dinner tonight?" Grandma said to her grandchildren. "Sorry, Grandma!" the kids said as they ran into the kitchen to grab their toys. As Jack bent down to pick up his toy truck, Grandma stepped forward with the cranberry sauce. "Jackkkkkkk!" Grandma yelled as cranberry juice splattered on both of them. How is Grandma feeling?

Grandma is feeling frustrated.