How are they feeling?
Small Talk
Thanksgiving food or not?
Guess the tone

Your grandma serves you a giant plate of food, but you are not hungry. 

You push it away and say, "Grandma, I am NOT eating that. Don't you know I'm full?"

How does she feel?

Hurt, upset, sad

What could you have said instead?


Have a small talk conversation about:


What do you think about this weather?

Which season do you prefer?

Why do you like ___ better?


Typically, yes!


"Oh my gosh! I love your new hair cut!"

Excited, happy


You notice your Aunt struggling to get food out of the oven. 

You rush to help her and she smiles and says, "Thank you!"

How does she feel?

Happy, grateful, relieved


Have a small talk conversation about:

Weekend Plans

What did you do over the weekend?

Any plans this coming weekend?


Typically, yes!


"I really, really wanted that last slice of pie..."



Your cousin sits next to you while you're playing your video game. They start talking very loudly and you get annoyed. 

You tell them, "Oh my gosh, go talk to someone else!"

How do you think they feel?

Upset, sad, confused

What could you have said instead?


Have a small talk conversation about:


What is something you like to do in your spare time?

Why do you like doing that?

How long have you been doing that?


Some families eat sweet potato casserole with marshmallows with their Thanksgiving dinner! Does your family eat this?


"DO NOT sit in my seat!"



Your sister decides she is going to buy a new outfit for Thanksgiving dinner. She comes out and asks how she looks. She is wearing a red shirt with blue pants. 

You tell her, "You look like a Mario brother"

How do you think that made her feel?

She could feel embarrassed or upset. Because she's your sibling, she may find the comment annoying or funny. 

Would you say this to your friend?


Have a small talk conversation about:

Upcoming Holidays

Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?

Do you know what you're doing for Christmas?

Do you do anything for New Years?


Some families eat tamales with their Thanksgiving dinner! Does your family eat this?


"Yeah, we REALLY like it when you sing to us."


You and your family are sitting in the living room catching up. You bring out your phone and start watching videos. You don't notice that they are asking you questions. 

How do you think they feel?

Ignored, offended, annoyed, upset.

What can you do instead?


Have a small talk conversation about:

Current Events

Did you hear about that celebrity?

Have you seen the trailer for that new movie?

Have you watched the news?


Crispy tofu with rice

Some people do not eat meat and choose to have tofu for their thanksgiving dinner! Do you know anyone who eats tofu for Thanksgiving?


Talk about how emphasizing a different word changes the tone of the sentence

PLEASE, tell me more about your video game!! 

Please, tell me MORE about your video game.

Please, tell me more about YOUR video game.

Please, tell me more about your VIDEO GAME.

Your tone can change how you deliver a sentence. It's important to learn what different tones sound like and what people are trying to say with their tone of voice.