The Big Meal
Macy's Parade

This is the sound a male turkey makes.

A. Gobble Gobble

B. Moo Moo

C. Squawk Squawk 

What is  A. gobble gobble?


This is the name of the ship on which the pilgrims came to America.

A. Santa Maria

B. Nina

C. Mayflower

What is the C. Mayflower?


Americans eat approximately 535 million pounds of this on Thanksgiving

A. Turkey

B. Chicken

C. Beef

What is A. turkey?


The parade is held every year in this city.

A. Los Angeles

B. New York City

C. Greenville

What is B. New York City?


The day after Thanksgiving, often referred to as the biggest shopping day of the year, is nicknamed this.

A. Black Friday

B. Turkey Thursday

C.  Money Monday

What is A. Black Friday?


Female turkeys are called hens. This is what male turkeys are called.

A. Does

B. Hims

C. Toms

What are C. toms?


The pilgrims landed at this rock.

A. Plymouth Rock

B. Big Rock 

C. Dwayne the Rock

What is Plymouth Rock?


What are the two most popular pies baked at Thanksgiving?

A. Pizza pie

B. key lime pie

C. pumpkin pie

What is C. pumpkin pie?


A float featuring this jolly fellow ends the parade every year.

A. Mr. Kameen

B. Lebron James

C. Santa Claus

Who is C. Santa Claus?


This football team plays on Thanksgiving Day every year.

A. Clemson Tigers

B. Dallas Cowboys

C. Carolina Panthers

Who is the Dallas Cowboys?


People from this Western State are the largest consumers of turkey in the United States.

A. Texas

B. California

C. Alaska

What is B. California?


This tribe of Native Americans were invited to the first Thanksgiving feast.

A. Cherokee

B. Wampanoag

C. Navajo

What are the B. Wampanoag?


Many Southern Americans serve this cheesy side dish with their Thanksgiving meal.

A. Grilled Cheese

B. Macaroni & Cheese

C. Lasagna

What is B. macaroni & cheese?


A giant balloon version of this cartoon dog has appeared in the parade more times than any other character (6 times).

A. Snoopy

B. Scooby Doo

C. Air Bud

Who is A. Snoopy?


This "honest" president is the one who officially declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.

A. George Washington

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. Abraham Lincoln

Who is C. Abraham Lincoln?


This is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey's neck.

A. Gobbler

B. Neck

C. Wattle 

What is the C. Wattle?


The first Thanksgiving lasted this many days.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

What is C. 3?


Approximately 94% of American Thanksgiving meals include this tangy item.

A. Sweet and Sour Sauce

B. Cranberry Sauce

C. A1 Sauce

What is B. cranberry sauce?


What is the person in charge of each balloon called?

A. Balloon Pilot

B. Head Balloonist

C. Leader of the Balloons

What is a A. Balloon Pilot


Instead of having turkey, the first Thanksgiving probably had this food?

A. Ham

B. Beef

C. Deer

What is C. Deer


This Northern state produces the most turkeys each year.

A. Minnesota

B. Vermont

C. New York City

What is A. Minnesota?


The Mayflower held approximately this many pilgrims.

A. 1 million

B. 1,000

C. 100

What is C. 100?


Approximately this percentage of American Thanksgiving meals include turkey (percentage should be in 10s).

A. 50%

B. 100%

C. 90%

What is C. 90%?


The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade began in this decade.

A. 1910s 

B. 2000s

C. 1920s

What is the C. 1920s? (1924 to be exact).


In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated during this month.

A. October

B. December

C. November

What is A. October?