The Big Meal
Macy's Parade

In the spring, this is the sound Tom turkeys (males) make to let hens know they are ready to mate and is a sound of dominance.

What is gobble gobble?


Although officially the first turkey pardon wasn't until 1947 during Harry Truman's presidency, this famous and "honest" president's son supposedly was the first person to ask on Thanksgiving for the presidential turkey to be pardoned.

Who is Abraham Lincoln? (Tad Lincoln asked for the family turkey, Jack, to be pardoned)


Americans may feel as if they have gained a ton of weight, but actually, on average, most Americans gain this many pounds from Thanksgiving binging.

What is 1 pount?

The parade is held every year in this city.
What is New York City?

Roto Rooter names this day as the busiest day for plumbers across the country.

What is Black Friday?


At night, this is where wild turkeys sleep, because they don't see well and need to protect themselves from predators.

What are in trees?


The pilgrims originally planned to land on the coast of this state; however, storms changed their path and they ultimately landed in what we know as Cape Cod.

What is Virginia?


Pumpkin pie may be a favorite for some, but it's actually this pie that takes the #1 spot for most Americans on Thanksgiving.  

What is apple?

A float featuring this jolly fellow ends the parade every year.
Who is Santa Claus?
These two football teams play on Thanksgiving Day every year.
Who are the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys?

The heaviest recorded turkey, taking the Guinness World Record title in 1989, was 86 pounds! The turkey was named after this man, a famous, tattooed heavy weight boxing champion.

What is Tyson?


This tribe of Native Americans were invited to the first Thanksgiving feast.

What are the Wampanoag?


Most Americans eat an estimated 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving which is equivalent to this many McDonald's Big Macs.

What is 4

A giant balloon version of this cartoon dog has appeared in the parade more times than any other character (6 times).
Who is Snoopy?

This chilly land of lakes state raises the most turkeys that end up being used for Thanksgiving meals than any other state.

What is Minnesota? 


Turkeys are native to North America and can be found in 49 out of 50 united states, with the exception of this state.

What is the Alaska?


The first Thanksgiving lasted this many days.

What is 3?


Approximately 94% of American Thanksgiving meals include this tangy item, a fruit that the original Native Americans at the first Thanksgiving most likely would be familiar with having used it for dyes and as a food source.

What are cranberries?


The first Macy's parade did not have balloon floats, but these instead as the main attraction.

What are the Bronx zoo animals?

This is what the word "cornucopia" means.
What is "horn of plenty?"

The first ever TV dinner was inspired by Thanksgiving turkeys when a salesman from this famous frozen dinner company saw 260 tons of frozen turkey left over after Thanksgiving and saw a way to make a profit from these leftovers!

What is Swanson?


The ship that originally accompanied the Mayflower to America but had to turn back to England when flooding and sinking concerns plagued its passengers.

What is? the Speedwell?


In addition to turkey, these two protein sources were present on the original Thanksgiving (name both for the points).

What are seafood and venison?

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade began in this decade.
What is the 1920s? (1924 to be exact).

Mary Josepha Hale, the woman responsible for requesting Lincoln make Thanksgiving a national holiday to heal from the Civil War, wrote this popular children's song.

What is Mary Had a Little Lamb?