Thanksgiving Foods
The first Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving through the years
The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Potatoes, a Thanksgiving staple, are native to this continent 

What is South America?


This  fish often used in sushi made an appearance on the first Thanksgiving dinner

What is eel?


This U.S. president officially declared Thanksgiving a national holiday

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This iconic cartoon character has made an appearance in the parade every year since the balloons started

Who is Snoopy?


This midwestern U.S. state produces the most turkeys per year

What is Minnesota?


The first Thanksgiving lasted this many days

What is 3?


The movie, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, came out in this decade

What is the 1970s?


This children’s book character ballon once struck a lamppost in 1997, causing 4 people to get injured, one of which was in a coma for 24 days

Who is the cat in the hat?


This many pounds of mashed potatoes are consumed in America each year on Thanksgiving

a. 250 million

b. 3 million

c. 70 million

d. 140 million

What is 250 million? (a)


This popular Thanksgiving staple was not eaten by the Pilgrims and Native Americans at the first Thanksgiving dinner

What is turkey?


The first ever Turkey Trot only had this many runners

a. 15

b. 36

c. 6

d. 10

What is 6? (c)


This animal was the first video game character to appear in the parade 

Who is Sonic the Hedgehog?


It takes this many cranberries to produce a pound of cranberry sauce

a. 500

b. 100

c. 50

d. 440

What is 440? (C)


This many women attended the first Thanksgiving dinner

a. 28

b. 4

c. 0

d. 15

What is 4? (b)


This northeastern city is home to the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade

What is Philadelphia?


This modern tradition was not originally part of the Thanksgiving parade

What are balloons?


Americans consume this many calories just from turkey on Thanksgiving each year

Hint: above 100 million

What is 3 billion calories?


This Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the pilgrims

Who are the Wampanoag?


This year was the first ever NFL game on Thanksgiving 

What is 1920?


This 60s and 70s female icon performed in the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on a holiday countdown float singing her new holiday song, “Wonderful Christmas Time”

Who is Diana Ross?