Who was Solomon's mother?
Bathsheba. 1 Kings 1:11 "Bathsheba was the mother of Solomon.
In which river was Jesus baptized?
Jordan Matthew 3:13
What is the meaning of the Greek word "agape"? -be specific-
Unconditional, selfless and perfect love (NOT brotherly, romantic, or familial love)
Which early Roman emperor legalized Christianity?
Constantine- Edict of Milan 313
How long was King Herod building his temple?
46 years John 2:20
Elijah fled for his life from whom?
King Solomon. 1 Kings 19:1-3
Noah built the ark and the rains brought him on a watery voyage. According to Genesis 8, which mountain did he land on, after he waited 150 days for the waters to go down?
Mount Ararat
This Hebrew name for "Lord" (only the "L" is capitalized) first appears in Genesis 15:2. When spelled as "lord" it means ruler, sir, man. What is this Hebrew name?
Name 3 early church fathers.
Answers vary
How many gold lampstands were in Revelation?
7 Revealtion 1:12
What was the fate of the ten spies that brought a false report from Canaan?
Put to death by a plague. Numb 14:37
Genesis 2:10-14 tells of four rivers emanating from the Garden of Eden. Name one that is associated with the Garden of Eden, according to Scripture?
Euphrates (also Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekle)
Paul called those in the church at Corinth what in his greeting in 1 Corinthians?
Saints. "... to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called (to be) saints." 1 Corinthians 1:2
What happened at the two councils of Nicaea?
Nicene creed- arian teachings condemned.
How long were the children of Israel in captivity?
70 years Jer. 25:11
Genesis 24:62-64 tells of Isaac living near Beer Lahai Roi, "for he dwelt in the South", when he saw a young woman approaching him, riding on a camel. What was the name of the young woman?
In the book of Revelation, the apostle John tells of the fate of seven different churches -- Ephesus, Laodicea, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Sardis, Thyatria and Pergamum. In what modern country were these churches located?
What does the name Barnabas mean?
Son of encouragement
When did Martin Luther post the ninety five theses? 100 Bonus points for where.
October 31, 1517
Wittenburg Germany- Castle Church
The word Selah appears 71 times in the Psalms, in what other book fo the Bible does it appear?
What was the occupation of Moses' father-in-law, Jethro?
Priest of Midian Ex 3:1
According to Judges 4:6-15, what mountain did Barak descend when the Israelites defeated Sisera's army?
Mount Tabor
Recite any verse in the Bible word for word including the reference.
Answers vary.
Which early Christian heresy, primarily popular in Alexandria, Egypt during the 3rd century, argued that Jesus Christ was a divine being who only appeared to be human, and was ultimately absorbed back into the divine essence after his earthly life, effectively denying his true humanity?
How long was Israel oppressed by the Moabites?
18 yrs Judges 3:14