What year was the first Thanksgiving?
1492 1621 1555 1776
The holiday dates back to November 1621, when the newly arrived Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians gathered at Plymouth for an autumn harvest feast, an event regarded as America's “first Thanksgiving.”
At rest, how much does airway resistance increase for long-term smokers over nonsmokers following 15 puffs on a cigarette during a 5-minute period?
5x 3x 2x 10x
Which President made Thanksgiving an official holiday?
Lincoln Washington Jackson Franklin
In the middle of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, prompted by a series of editorials written by Sarah Josepha Hale, proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day, to be celebrated on the 26th, the final Thursday of November 1863.
(Q) Cardiac Output is the amount of blood pumped in 1 minute and is calculated by _____ _______ times ________ _______ .
stroke volume heart rate
The endurance athlete achieves a large maximal cardiac output solely through a _________________.
capillary density large stroke volume
less peripheral resistance increased HR
large stroke volume
True / False
Endomysium wraps each muscle fiber and separates
it from neighboring fibers.
Adult women have a reduced lung size, smaller static and dynamic lung function measures, reduced airway _______________, and a smaller diffusion surface than men.
A reduced heart rate, largely from stimulation of vagus nerves, is also known as what?
Bradycardia Tachycardia Anaerobic Threshold
Purkinje Fibers
Approximately how much of the cardiac output flows to the muscle tissue at rest?
1/4 1/3 1/5 1/2
The cardiac muscle is a form of what type of muscle?
Skeletal Voluntary Striated Smooth
True / False
The sliding filament theory states that myosin filaments "slide" on actin filaments pulling the Z lines towards the middle of the sarcomere.
Elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure is defined as:
130/95 180/80 120/90 140/90
How many Turkeys will be consumed this Thanksgiving?
44 million 100 million 600,001 5 million
Americans will consume about 44 million turkeys, at Thanksgiving this year.
All of the following are types of muscle fibers except:
Type 1 muscle fibers contain all of these characteristics except__________. (choose the answer that doesn't belong).
low mitochondria and capillary density
slow contraction time high oxidative capacity
low force production
low mitochondria and capillary density
A muscles chemical composition is made up of ____% water, ____% protein as well as salt and other substances.
80, 20 85, 10 75, 20 60, 35
75, 20
Which pie will be eaten most in America on Thanksgiving Day?
Pumpkin Pie Apple Pie Sweet Potato Pie
Although pumpkin pie is thought of as a Thanksgiving staple, it was the clear second place with 14 states searching for it the most. Apple pie emerged as the clear winner, the top-searched pie for 34 states and Washington, D.C.
Type IIb fiber characteristics include all of the following except....
High force production low oxidative capacity
high resistance to fatigue very fast contraction time
high resistance to fatigue
Arterioles branch to smaller vessels called metarterioles that end to microscopic vessels called _______________ that contain ______% of blood volume.
capillaries 6%
True / False
Tropomyosin inhibits actin and myosin interaction
How heavy was the largest Turkey ever cooked on Thanksgiving?
34 lbs 86 lbs 58 lbs 99 lbs
In 1989, a stag turkey named Tyson weighed 86 lb. (39.09 kg), earning it the Guinness World Record of the greatest dressed weight recorded for a turkey.
On Thanksgiving Day, the NFL's late Coach John Madden gives out a game MVP award to players making the All-Madden Team. What is the 6 legged bird called??
The Turducken
Aerobic training results in which of the following alterations in blood pressure?
reduced systolic at rest, increased at submax ex.
reduced systolic at rest, reduced at submax ex.
no change
increased systolic at rest, increased at submax ex.
reduced systolic at rest, reduced at submax ex.
During low- to moderate-intensity exercise, heart rate is increased by:
Activation of parasympathetic stimulation
Activation of Sympathetic stimulation
Inhibition of parasympathetic stimulation
Inhibition of sympathetic stimulation
Inhibition of Parasympathetic
ACTH is also known as:
Insulin like growth factor Corticotropin
Thyrotropin Arginine Vasopressin