1st Thanksgiving food
Presidential Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Football
Native American

What bird is a stable on Thanksgiving? 



What bird was NOT served at the first Thanksgiving? 



What is it called when the president ops not to butcher a turkey  for thanksgiving? 

a turkey pardon 

In what year due to covid were their no college thanksgiving day football games?



In what state was the first thanksgiving? 



Before the term Native American how were the people living in America referred to as? 

Indians because Columbus thought he was in India 


What was the name of the ship which brought the pilgrims to America? 



True or False turkey make you sleepy? 

It's true that studies have proven that the amino acid tryptophan causes drowsiness in lab rats.1 While turkey may contain tryptophan, it's not enough to make much of a difference in humans. So if you're in need of a snooze after your Thanksgiving feast, you can blame all those calories—and probably dessert, too—rather than the bird.


What is commonly found in the Macys day parade? 



What type of soup is used to make green bean casserole? 

Cream of Mushroom 


What seafood was served at the first thanksgiving? 

Lobster, oysters, fish and possibly eel


Who was the first President to recognize thanksgiving as a holiday. Even though it was not an official US holiday till many years later? 

President George Washington was the first to issue a proclamation for the holiday in 1789, designating Thursday, November 26 “for the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving.” This marked the first national celebration of the holiday under the new Constitution.Nov


When was the first thanksgiving day football game played? 



What was the name of the Governor at Plymouth? 

William Bradford


Which Native American friend to the settlers acted as an interpreter?



Why did the pilgrims come to American?  

Religious freedom 


What is the number 1 thanksgiving tradition? 

Watch an American football game


What balloon appears or has appeared the most in the macys day parade? 



What kind of berry Sause is a thanksgiving stable? 



What meat was served at the first thanksgiving? 

Venison, swan, duck and goose were likely—not turkey!


Who was the president who declared Thanksgiving a holiday? 

Abraham  Lincoln 


The first NFL Thanksgiving game was played in? 



How many days did the first thanksgiving last? 



What was the name of the tribe in which shared thanksgiving with the pilgrims? 

The Wampanoag


What religion did the  pilgrims practice? 



How many feathers does an adult turkey have?

about 500


What did the balloons replace in the macys day parade? 

zoo animals 


What is the traditionally thanksgiving pie? 



Governor Bradford sent his men on a "fowling mission" for the first thanksgiving? What were they doing? 

Hunting for birds 


WHEN did the president declare thanksgiving be celebrated?

Bonus: what year did he do this? 

4th Thursday in November (Lincoln) 

October 3rd 1963 


What team has played the most thanksgiving days? 

Hint: they have only missed 6 seasons 

Detroit Lions 


Which President received a raccoon (yes alive) as a thanksgiving present? 

Calvin Coolidge  


What was the name of the fever that the pilgrims brought to American that killed many Native Americans?

Yellow Fever  or small pox 


What is the historical significance of the place name “Plymouth Rock”?

its believed to be where the pilgrims first landed in America 


What is another name for a cornucopia? 

horn of plenty 


What was missing from the first macys  day parade? 



What meat is often offered instead of turkey for those who dislike it? 



How was corn served at the first thanksgiving? 

most likely made into cornmeal 


Who was the first President to pardon a turkey? 

Bonus: in what year? 

John F Kennedy

1963 (November 19th he was shot Nov 22nd of the same year) 

Kennedy was the first to spare a Thanksgiving bird in 1963. Despite a sign hanging around the turkeys neck that read "Good eating, Mr. President," Kennedy sent the gobbler back to the farm.


How many thanksgiving day games have the packers played? 

53 this number is tied with the Chicago bears


Which president refused to partake in thanksgiving and why? 

Thomas Jefferson 
To be clear, Thanksgiving as a national holiday didn't exist during Jefferson's time in office (1801-1809); Abraham Lincoln formalized it in 1863.

 He believed it the separation of church and state  For Jefferson, supporting the holiday meant supporting state-sponsored religion since Thanksgiving is rooted in Puritan religious traditions. 


What was the native American name for corn? 



How many Pilgrims survived the first winter in Plymouth?

53 out of 102


It is said there are 5 stable symbols of Thanksgiving. Name 3 






Natashia votes for the turkey as well  


What was the first balloon in the first macys day parade? 


Felix the cat


What is used to make stuffing? 

seasoned breadcrumbs 


Why didn't they have cranberry Sause at the first thanksgiving? 

cranberries may have been served but the sugar as so depleted it is unlikely it was used to make the berries into sause. 


What happen to Richard Nixon's thanksgiving turkeys? 

No official pardon for Richard Nixon's turkeys, but they were spared from scandal and the table, gifted to a nearby petting zoo.


What team has NEVER played a game on Thanksgiving? 

Jacksonville Jaguars

Was thanksgiving always the 4th Thursday in November? 

Answer: No

Today, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November. But during the Great Depression in 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the holiday to the third week instead of the fourth in an attempt to boost holiday spending. Turkey Day was moved back to its original date only 2 years later.


What did Squanto use to help the pilgrims to fertilized the fields? 

fish to fertilized corn 


How long did the Mayflower voyage from England to America take?

around 66 days 


What is the traditional color of Thanksgiving in America?



What did macys due with the balloons after the parade in the early parade days? 

Why did they stop? 

In 1928, Macy's began offering a $100 reward for any returned balloons, which were affixed with return address labels [source: McCarthy]. In 1931, pilot Col. Clarence E. Chamberlain snagged a balloon with his airplane's wing, leading to a ban on retrieval by airplanes the following year. But after the 1932 parade, another pilot attempted to capture a balloon and nearly crashed, leading Macy's to discontinue releasing the balloons at the parade's end


How much weight do people gain in Thanksgiving? 

Most people only gain about eight-tenths of a pound.


What is an odd sea food that was likely served at the first Thanksgiving?

 Mussels in particular were abundant in New England and could be easily harvested because they clung to rocks along the shoreline.


Which President made turkey pardoning an annual event? 

What year? 

George HW Bush



What was the temperature of the coldest thanksgiving game ever to be played? 

The 1993 game between the Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins was played at 32F, accompanied by snow, sleet, ice, and a frozen field. Players and officials were slipping and falling everywhere. It was an instant classic.


During which Revolutionary War battle did troops have a day of Thanksgiving?

The Battle of Saratoga


Which Native American leader formed an alliance with the Pilgrims that lasted 50 years?



Define a pilgrim 

A pilgrim is a person who makes a long journey to a foreign land, sometimes for religious reasons. 


What is the significance of the wishbone tradition?

The wishbone tradition involves two people pulling on the bone, and the person who ends up with the larger piece gets to make a wish.


What is the oldest and longest running FLOAT in the thanksgiving day parade? 

Tom Turkey 

Constructed in 1972 this version of him retired in 1992


How much did the world's most expensive Thanksgiving dinner on record cost?

$150,000 at New York City's Old Homestead Steakhouse


What popular vegetable was not served at the first thanksgiving? 


Whether mashed or roasted, white or sweet, potatoes had no place at the first Thanksgiving. After encountering it in its native South America, the Spanish began introducing the potato to Europeans around 1570. But by the time the Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower, the tuber had neither doubled back to North America nor become popular enough with the English to hitch a ride. New England’s native inhabitants are known to have eaten other plant roots such as Indian turnips and groundnuts, which they may or may not have brought to the party.  


Who was the first president to use an OFFICAL PARDON with the turkeys at the white house? 

Bonus: in what year

Ronald Reagan 



What reward is given to MVP's of the thanksgiving games? 

Turkey leg 


Why is the day after Thanksgiving called Black Friday?

Despite the fact that it's now easily the biggest shopping day of the year, Black Friday was given its nefarious title to actually deter people from shopping! Kind of ironic, no? According to the story of Black Friday, the Philadelphia Police Department wanted to prevent hoards of people from shopping on the day after Thanksgiving so they came up with an ominous title for the day. Guess it didn't work!


 What happens at Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts every Thanksgiving?

A "National Day of Mourning" for Native Americans who died at the hand or plague of European settlers


What kind clothing did the pilgrims wear? 

Contrary to the traditional images, the pilgrims did not wear tall, black hats with buckles on them, nor did they have buckles on their shoes. The pilgrims did not restrict themselves to all-black attire and, actually, wore brightly colored clothing most of the time.


What popular song's real title is "The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day"?

over the river and thru the woods 


When was the first Macys day parade? 

In 1924, store employees marched to Macy's Herald Square, the flagship store on 34th Street, dressed in vibrant costumes. There were floats, professional bands and live animals borrowed from the Central Park Zoo. At the end of that first parade, Santa Claus was welcomed into Herald Square.


How does ocean spray ensure that the cranberry Sause slides out nicely in the can shape on Thanksgiving? 

Ocean Spray knows you love the sight of a cylindrical, perfectly ridged mass of cranberry sauce sliding out of the can. To facilitate this process, the company packages the condiment so that the rounded end of the can is up top and the sharper, rimmed end is at the bottom—which is the opposite of what you see in most canned products. This design creates an air bubble vacuum at the top of the can. When you remove the bottom panel and loosen the contents with a knife, the air bubble gently pushes the cranberry sauce out of the can and onto your plate. So when serving jellied cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving, remember to open it upside-down for the best results.


How were pumpkins served at the first thanksgiving? 

According to some accounts, early English settlers in North America improvised by hollowing out pumpkins, filling the shells with milk, honey and spices to make a custard, then roasting the gourds whole in hot ashes.


What happens to the turkeys who are pardoned at the white house today? 

Bonus: who supplies the white house turkeys? 

Currently, the pardoned turkeys are sent to a pen inside the Virginia Tech Animal and Poultry Sciences Department's Livestock Judging Pavilion, where students care for them as they live out the rest of their short lives.

The National Turkey Federation, or NTF, has supplied turkeys for the White House's annual Turkey Day festivities since 1947.


What team is the Lions most frequent thanksgiving day opponent? 

Lions and Packers have met 21 times on Thanksgiving, making it the most frequent match-up. The Lions lead the record with 12 wins, eight losses, and one tie. It’s noteworthy to mention that the Lions-Bears match-up is right behind with 18 meetings. The Bears won 10 times.


Who was known as the "mother of thanksgiving"?

Sarah Josepha Hale

Hale used her persuasive writings to support the creation of Thanksgiving as a national holiday. Beginning in 1846, she charged the president and other leading politicians to push for the national celebration of Thanksgiving, which was then only celebrated in the Northeast.


What is the 3 sisters garden? 

How does it work? 

Corn bean and squash 

First, they planted the corn. Then they planted the beans in a circle around the corn so the beans will wind up the corn and they would not have to cut a piece of wood to make a stake for the beans. The beans also help the corn because beans leave a nutrient called nitrogen in the soil, and corn plants need a lot of nitrogen. The squash plants also used the nitrogen. Last, the Lenape planted the squash around the beans to push out the weeds and to shade the ground to keep the moisture in for all three plants. 


Who was the first child born to a pilgrim?

Peregrine White
Peregrine White was born to William and Susanna White in November of 1620 aboard the Mayflower, while the vessel was docked off the coast of Cape Cod. Susanna was 7 months pregnant when she had boarded the ship bound for the new world.


The mother of thanksgiving, who campaigned for Thanksgiving to be a national holiday, wrote what famous song/nursey rhyme?

Mary had a little lamb 


Parade Organizers Got Crafty During a 1958 Helium Shortage. What did they use for balloons? 

That year, there was a strong possibility the parade would have no balloons at all. Fortunately, the parade’s organizers came up with an idea to fill the balloons with regular air, then hang them from large cranes that slowly toted them along the route.