First Thanksgiving
Macy's Day
The Big Meal
This is the name of the ship on which the first Pilgrims came to America in
What is the Mayflower
This is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey's neck
What is the Wattle
The parade is held in this city every year
What is New York City
These are the two most popular pies baked at Thanksgiving
What is Pumpkin and Apple
The day after Thanksgiving, often referred to as the biggest shopping day of the year, is named this
What is Black Friday
This is the name of the rock and modern-day state that the Pilgrims landed at in 1620
What is Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.................... Fun Fact: The Pilgrims were actually headed for Northern Virginia (which at this time stretched all the way up to the Hudson River in modern-day New York) along the Hudson River, however bad weather caused them to be off on their calculations and instead landed at Cape Cod on November 9, 1620. It wasn't until over a month later, on December 25th, that they decided to move to Plymouth and build their colony.
What percentage of Americans consume turkey on Thanksgiving? (answer should be in 10's, ex:// 30%, 60% etc.)
What is 90% (88% to be exact)
A giant balloon version of this cartoon character has appeared in the parade more than any other character (6 times)
Who is Snoopy
Approximately 94% of American Thanksgiving meals include this tangy item
What is Cranberry Sauce.................... Fun Fact: Wisconsin is the largest producer of Cranberries in the United States
These two football teams play on Thanksgiving every year
Who are the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys
This is tribe of Native Americans that were invited to the first Thanksgiving
What is the Wampanoag Tribe
A female turkey is called a Hen. This is what male turkeys are called
What is a Tom.................... Fun Fact: It is commonly thought that the male turkey is called a Tom because Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird to be a turkey. Thomas Jefferson opposed this idea and therefore Franklin named it a Tom after Thomas. However this is a myth. Franklin wasn't even on the designing committee for the seal. Instead, after the bald eagle was chosen to be the national bird, he wrote a letter to his daughter talking about how the design of the national seal looked more like a turkey than an eagle.
The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade began in this decade
What is the 1920's (1924 to be exact)
The average Thanksgiving turkey put on American family's tables weighs this much
What is 15 pounds
This president made Thanksgiving a national holiday in the 19th century
Who is Abraham Lincoln.................... Fun Fact: On October 3rd, 1863 (after his pivotal Union victory at Gettysburg and wanting to express gratitude) Lincoln announced that the nation would celebrate Thanksgiving on November 26th and annually on the fourth Thursday of November from then on. Prior to this date, Americans generally celebrated a day of thanks every year, but not on a national scale. Additionally, at the near end of the Depression in the late 1930's, FDR attempted to move Thanksgiving to the 3rd Thursday in November to boost the economy (giving shoppers an extra week between Thanksgiving and Christmas to do holiday shopping) however in 1941, FDR listened to Congress' insistence that the holiday be permanently moved back to the fourth Thursday in Novemeber
The Mayflower held approximately this many passengers
What is 100 passengers (102 to be exact)
The average full-grown turkey has this many feathers on it's body
What is 5,000-6,000 feathers (accept any number in that range).................... Fun Fact: A turkey's wings will each have 10 stiff primary feathers and 18-19 secondary feathers, and it's tail will have 18 large quill feathers.
These are the only years that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade did not occur due to helium and rubber shortages
What is 1942-1944 during World War II.................... Fun Fact: The absence of the parade allowed the rubber for the balloons to be given to the US military to support the war. It provided over 600 pounds of scrap rubber for the war. Additionally, the parade was ALMOST cancelled one other time in 1963 one week after JFK was assassinated; however, it went on in order to give some happiness to a grieving nation.
This is the number of calories that the average American consumes on Thanksgiving Day
What is 4,500+ calories (Accept anything from 4,250 to 5,250).................... Fun Fact: The average American also consumes an average of 229 grams of fat on this day. If a 150 pound person were to 'erase' all of the calories consumed on Thanksgiving Day it would require then to run about 29 miles (longer than a marathon) to burn just 2,800 calories. That's about 96.5 calories per mile. If you were to consume the average of 4,500 calories, you would have to run about 47 miles to burn it off!
This is the name of one of the four states that have towns named after turkeys
What is; Turkey Creek, LOUISIANA, Turkey, TEXAS, Turkey Creek, ARIZONA, and Turkey, NORTH CAROLINA
This is the name 3 food items that are believed to have been served at the first Thanksgiving in 1621
What is; native fruits like plums, melons, grapes, and cranberries. Local vegetables such as leeks, wild onions, beans, Jerusalem artichokes, and squash. Native birds such as ducks and geese, deer, fish, oysters, lobster, and eels.................... Fun Fact: There is no historical evidence or way to tell if the colonists and natives ate roasted turkey on Thanksgiving. However, we do know that there were plenty of wild turkey in the region during this time period.
This mid-western state produces more turkeys than any other state each year
What is Minnesota.................... Fun Fact: Minnesota produces 49 million turkeys annually. Just six states-Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana produce 2/3 of the birds raised in the United States each year.
These were featured in the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
What are animals from Central Park Zoo.................... Fun Fact: The first parade was actually called the "Christmas Parade" and balloon animals weren't even featured in the parade until 1927 when Felix the Cat was the first to be paraded
This is the average price of Thanksgiving dinner: feeding 10 people a meal of turkey, bread stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, carrots and celery, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and coffee and milk.
What is $49.04 (2013)
This business's busiest day of the year is on Black Friday
What is a Plumber.................... Fun Fact: Plumbing company Roto-Rooter said for the last seven years, business on Black Friday increases 47 to 50 percent compared to an ordinary Friday. During the four-day Thanksgiving weekend business increases 21 percent over any other Thursday through Sunday period during the year.