Who is Ernest Khalimov
Giga Chad
In what game do you place and mine blocks
What show is a straw hat featured in
One Piece
How long is recess
30 minutes
What game features four quadrilaterals combing to make on big quadrilateral
Four Square
What breed is doge
Shiba inu
In what game do you snipe people and jump off of a bus
What show is Stewie from
Family Guy
Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the shortest of them all
What is a lacrosse ball made of
Who is in many memes and has a donkey for a best friend
In what game do you click cookies
Cookie Clicker
What show features a yellow stretchy dog and a human
Adventure Time
What is the worst language arts assignment ever
Jacobs ladder
How many points is a field goal worth in football
3 points
Who said let me do it for you
Miss Piggy
What game has star drops
Brawl Stars
What show about Greek gods features a demigod of water
Percy Jackson
Who is our principal
What type of person constantly complains
A Karen
What game has the sweatiest players of all time
What movie based off a book includes a mockingjay
The Hunger Games
Who invented school
Horace Mann
In what sport do you move a large puck across the ice with brooms