Writings is this in Hebrew.
What is Ketuvim?
Torah Portions
What does the name of this category mean
Get ready with me
The Tanakh can be divided into .______ sections
What are 3?
the number of books in the TaNaKh
I use this to point in a Torah so it doesnt get yucky
the total number of commandments in the Torah
When I'm looking at a Parsha at home, I don't look in a heavy Sefer Torah, I use a
Prophet or Profit
What's the diff
Prophet- a person delivering a message from G-d
Profit- the money you make after paying off all the expenses
The Number of books of Prophets in the TaNaKh
When I'm done using a Scroll, it gets put away in the (hebrew)
Aron Kodesh
Help, where can I find Moses final speech!
the number of letters in the Torah
Which scroll would be heavier, a Torah or a Scroll of Esther?
A Torah