The Small Screen
COVID-lockdown fads
Civil Rights Era
Clean Water Alum

90's sitcom starring Queen Latifah.

What is Living Single?


At first dismissed as another "Vine" this app's popularity exploded soon after pandemic lockdowns began.

What is TikTok?


The peaceful breaking of unjust laws in an attempt to end them.

What is civil disobedience?


Portion of the rap where the less you say the better.

What is method of payment?


This former Assistant Canvass Director has gained a lot from her time in leadership at CWA and wouldn't trade those years in for anything.

Who is Emily Geary/Emily Moyer?


Ferguson was the name of this character's cat in New Girl.

Who is Winston?


Type of bread that is so complex to make it requires you to have live organisms or a 'starter' on hand in your fridge.

What is Sourdough Bread?


President who signed the bill making Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday a National holiday.

Who is Ronald Reagan?


Section of the rap aimed at agitating the member so they get fired up about the issue after a long day of (work/watching kids/hiking/looking at memes/meditation).

What is the problem?


This canvasser worked here for a short yet memorable time this summer and was fine with us referring to him as "Yung Hollywood."

Who is Joe Cannon?


Danny Tanner and Aunt Becky were cohosts of this morning show on Full House?

What is Good Morning San Francisco?


A whipped South Korean treat that is made from just instant coffee, sugar and water and then poured over the milk of your choice.

What is Dalgona coffee?


Civil rights leader whose chosen last name represents his ancestors' unknown names that were stolen from them and replaced with the names of their slave master.

Who is Malcolm X?


Section of the rap where the dollar amount of a donation is determined.

What is "confirming an amount?"


This pair of golden-haired siblings took turns working in our office off and on from Winter 2015-Spring 2019.

Who are the Ciccone brothers?


Laverne and Shirley was a spin-off of this show.

What is Happy Days?


A pair of brothers from New York (one of which has seen a tremendous rise in fame and then fall from grace all since March 2020).

Who are the Cuomos?


Plessy v. Ferguson was reversed by the Supreme Court's 1954 by ruling that segregated public facilities were unconstitutional in this case.

What is Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas?


Portion of the rap that helps us get the money into the fight right away.

What is 'lumps?'


This former canvasser was voted top banana many times because of his kind demeanor and amazing impressions of modern political figures.

Who is Colin Moir?


Kramer's name in the pilot episode of Seinfeld.

What is Kessler?


The first Netflix series everyone was obsessed with during lockdown.

What is Tiger King?


The name of the University of Mississippi's first black student, whose mere presence started such an upheaval that thousands of federal troops were called in to restore order.

Who is James Meredith?


Unlabeled part of the rap that helps you transition into the negotiations.

What is the segue?


This Day 14 trainee whose chosen name was a Star War's reference was often seen offering up Anarchist literature on "the stoop?"

Who is Mandalore?