Aaron's most recent National Park
What is Lassen Volcanic?
Aaron's least favorite flavor
What is chocolate?
Aaron's favorite movie genre
What is horror?
Something Aaron totally doesn't understand
What is youth culture? (Other acceptable answers are: tik tok, memes, vines, and slang)
When Aaron gets the most excited about brunch
What is when Aaron is drunk?
The age by which Aaron wants to see all 63 National Parks
What is 35? (an average of 7 parks per year in order to hit that goal)
Aaron's favorite La Croix flavor
What is Key Lime La Croix?
Aaron's favorite podcast
Aaron's favorite place to sleep
What is everywhere?
Aaron's favorite breakfast/brunch item
What are omelettes?
Aaron's favorite National Park (so far)
What is Zion? (but Glacier and Olympic are close seconds)
What musical instrument did Aaron play in middle school?
What is the trombone?
Aaron's least favorite animal
What is a monkey? (bonus: he also dislikes animals with human like hands - raccoons, otters, aye ayes)
Aaron's favorite road trip breakfast stop (mostly midwest/eastern US)
What is Cracker Barrel?
Aaron's first national park
What is Carlsbad Caverns?
Aaron's favorite dessert
What is creme brulee?
Aaron's favorite Steve Martin movie
What is "The Jerk?"
What is malaria? (fun fact! He also got a staff infection in his arm and it swelled up real good and that's how his mom learned he got a tattoo)
Aaron's preferred coffee accoutrement
What is oat milk?
How many parks Aaron has visited
What is 16?
Aaron's favorite snack
What is carrots & peanut butter?
Aaron's least favorite band for no reason other than their widespread album art on articles of clothing
What is Joy Division?
Aaron's favorite cocktail
What is an old fashioned with a splash of mezcal? (A Lone Ranger)
Aaron's favorite brunch dish to make at home
What is huevos rancheros?