oxygen tank must be transported in this
What is a oxygen rack or holder?
this person spends the most time with each patient
who is a CNA?
lying on one's back
inflammation of the skin
Professional dress for state testing and clinicals includes:
Scrubs, closed toed shoes, hair pulled back, no false nails,
when using oxygen one must shave with this
a non-electric safety razor
No matter the situation effective staff always remain _____.
What is calm?
moving someone on to their side as one unit in a smooth motion keeping the spine in alignment at all times.
Log Roll
inflammation of the joints
After passing both written and skills tests you will be listed on this registry.
what is the NAR?
when using oxygen we light these candles on your birthday
none or battery operated; no open flames
when documenting vitals and I&O the critical element is to be _______.
what is accurate?
how many people are required to assist when using a mechanical lift
at least 2
Diet of a person with DM
Balance of carbs, protein and fat (no Added sugar)
How many chances do you have to pass the state test?
this is documented directly on oxygen tubing
what is the date equipment was opened for use?
a great aide knows that patient behaviors including anger, kindness, agitation, crying etc. are all ways for the resident to _________.
What is communicate?
muscles used when lifting a patient
Those with CHF wear this to prevent swelling and blood clots?
What are Ted hose (compression stockings)?
Keeping clean surfaces to clean and dirty surfaces to dirty are important to pass this part of a skill.
what is removing gloves?
what is a nurse or respiratory therapist?
Listening, sitting at eye level, using a slow clear voice (not yelling), and using proper lighting are all examples of effective _______.
communication skills
position when sitting up in bed at 90 degrees
Fowlers (full-fowlers)
Those with this disease suffer from tremors.
Critical elements for transfers include these
Lock the bed, lock the wheelchair