Which Commandment?
Which Commandment (reversed)?
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This commandment tells us not to murder other people.

What is the 5th commandment?

What is "thou shall not kill"?


The 4th commandment tells us to do this.

What is honor our parents?


This book of the Old Testament contains the 10 Commandments.

What is Exodus?


This commandment tells us to attend Church on Sundays.

What is the 4th Commandment?

What is "thou shall keep holy the Lord's day"?


Someone who is following the 3rd Commandment is always doing this.

What is going to church on Sunday?


God revealed the 10 Commandments to this Old Testament Prophet.

Who is Moses?


This commandment tells us not to worship any gods other than our Lord.

What is the 1st commandment?

What is "thou shall have no strange gods before Me"?


The 6th commandment forbids us from doing this.

What is committing adultery?


This group of commandments tell us how to love our neighbor.

What are the last 7?


This commandment tells us not to lie about other people.

What is the 9th Commandment?

What is "thou shall not bear false witness"?


The 9th and 10th commandments tell us not to do these things.

What are covet our neighbor's wife, and goods?


This group of commandments tell us how to love God.

What are the first three?


These commandments tell us not to covet or steal the things that other people have,.

What are the 8th, and 10th commandments?

What are "thou shall not steal, and thou shall not covet?"


The two parts of the 1st commandment tell us not to do these things.

What are worship idols, and other gods?


This is the name for the first 5 books of the Old Testament. (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

What is the Pentateuch?