The 3 Colonial Regions
Commercial Break
Slavery in America
What a dilemma!
Extreme ?s
What are the three colonial regions?
New England, Middle, Southern
1. Which colony was the first to offer complete religious freedom? 2. This colony was founded by a Quaker named William Penn?
1. Rhode Island 2. Pennsylvania
What were the 3 Major Dilemmas enslaved Africans faced?
1. European Slave Trade in West Africa 2. Middle Passage 3. Arrival in America
What is a dilemma? Give an example if you'd like.
A dilemma is a situation in which a person is forced to make a decision even though he or she does not like any of the choices.
What television commercial are you thinking about right now?
Answers will vary
List all of the colonies in each of the three regions. There is a total of thirteen. I recommend making a chart.
New England: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut Middle: Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, New Jersey Southern: Georgia, Virgina, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland
1. England captured this colony from the Dutch and renamed it? 2. Most of the colonists that lived in this colony were Puritans, and only male members of the Puritan Church could vote.
1. New York 2. Massachusetts
What types of things did European traders offer West African villages?
rum, cloth, tobacco, salt, and guns
Slaves reacted to their new life on the plantation in a number of ways. What are two of the ways they reacted?
ran away, played dumb, pretended to be sick or hurt, worked hard hoping their lives would get better.
European slave traders tried their best to keep slaves alive because losing slaves meant losing ________?
Describe the climate/geography of each of the three regions. Weather during the summer and winter, soil, nearby water sources, landforms, mountains, etc.
New England: Rocky Soil, plentiful forrests, easy access to the sea, mild/hot summers, very cold winters Middle: Rich Soil great for farming, rivers provided easy transportation and travel, mild/hot summers, very cold winters Southern: rich soil, longest growing season, warmest climate, rivers connect farms to ocean ports along the coast
Which colony was started by Catholics?
Why was it hard for West African villages to resist taking part in the slave trade?
If they didn't, they would risk be captured and enslaved themselves.
What were three of the ways enslaved Africans responded to the inhumane conditions of the Middle Passage?
1. Refusing to eat and resisting any help from the slave traders or other captured Africans. 2. Organizing a revolt with other captive Africans against the slave traders, knowing this could end with severe punishment or even death. 3. Trying to maintain strength in order to survive the voyage.
What was life like in West Africa before the European slave trade began?
peaceful, society based on family, unique traditions and customs
What are some typical jobs people had in each of the three regions?
New England: economy based on products from the forrest and the sea, lumberman, fisherman, whalers, ship builders, traders, small farms Middle Colonies: economy based on farm products and valuable minerals such as iron, miners, craftsmen, farmers raised crops and cattle, wheat farmers "breadbasket" of the colonies, fur traders Southern: economy based on farming, huge cash crop plantations powered by work of slaves
Which colony was occupied by debtors from England, and helped protect the other colonies from the Spanish in Florida.
Describe the conditions on board a slave ship headed to the Americas.
A living nightmare, awful, crowded, packed in tightly, gruesome, barely liveable
Suppose that Europeans have been trading guns for slaves with your rival village. You now need guns for protection. What would have been some of your options?
1. You could refuse to sell slaves to Europeans. 2. You could raid villages and capture people to trade for guns. 3. You could trade your prisoners of war for guns
Name at least three of Vogel's Red Ribbon Week themes that you participated in!
Sock it to drugs Give drugs the slip Team up against drugs Red, white, and blue for a drug free you Hats off to being drug free
What are some interesting facts and who are some interesting people in each of the three regions?
New England: Most colonists were Puritans, religion very important, must belong to the Puritan church to vote in elections, Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams. Middle: Religious freedom, diverse populations, New Netherland taken over by English and renamed New York, William Penn and the Quakers Southern: cash crop plantations, Slavery, Catholics, Lord Baltimore, James Oglethorpe
Write down one of the catchy slogans your marketing team came up with, or any of the others you remember. Try to list as many as you can!
They were all great! Here's a couple... "Georgia, Georgia, Georgia let's explore it" "Pennsylvania, I'm lovin' it" "New York, come"
When a slave ship arrived in the American Colonies, the West Africans were sold white plantation owners at scrambles and slave auctions. Describe what happens at a scramble, and a slave auction.
At a scramble, every slave was the same price. Buyers would rush in and grab the slaves they wanted At an auction, a slave would be sold to the highest bidder.
Describe a dilemma from your own personal life. What was the situation? What were your options?
Answers may vary
Gotta catch em' all...13 colonies! Spell them right too!
Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Georgia, Virgina, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, new jersey, Delaware