Ch. 19: The Early Romantics
Ch. 20: Opera and Music Drama in the 19th Century
Ch. 21: The Later Romantics
Ch. 22: Music in the Late 19th Century: Nationalism, Romanticism, and Beyond

A hand injury cut his piano career short so he stuck to composition and critique of music. He is most known for his short piano character pieces.

Robert Schumann


This country’s “Grand Opera” can be likened to the Hollywood of today.



This “-ism” that began to rise in the Romantic period permeated music through new themes and idioms and united countries throughout Europe.



A dynamic composer and conductor, he was one of the first modernist composers to emerge after Wagner. He was the leading symphonic composer after Brahms.

Gustav Mahler


These German art songs were the primary mode of composition and emotional connection in the Romantic period.

Lied or Lieder


This dramatic German composer believed that the music of the future fused music and text on stage as in opera or theatre. He is known for his controversial views and the Tristan chord.

Richard Wagner


He was known as the true successor of Beethoven. He completed his first symphony after 20 years of writing it and was close “friends” with the Schumanns.

Johannes Brahms


He was another modernist composer along with Mahler, but he is more known for his symphonic poems and extreme opera. His music was used in “2001: A Space Odyssey."

Richard Strauss


Hidden in Beethoven’s shadow, he was known as the first great Romantic songwriter, composing over 600 lieder.

Franz Schubert


These short themes in operatic music were used to denote certain characters, things, ideas, or places in various contexts. Star Wars movies are filled with these.



He was the most prominent Russian composer of his time. He is most known for his ballets.

Piotr Il'yich Tchikovsky


This is the translated title of a 5 song cycle by Mahler that is called “Kindertotenlieder”."

Songs for the Death of Children


He was a Polish composer who wrote exclusively for the piano. He known in part for his nocturnes.

Fryderyck Chopin


Perhaps more famous than Beethoven in his time, this Italian composer wrote almost 40 operas before mysteriously disappearing from the opera scene.

Giachino Rossini


These pieces were programmatic music for orchestra that convey a certain scene, image, or story like its literary counterpart.

Symphonic or tone poem


This was the name given to 5 influential Russian composers outside of Tchaikovsky.

The Mighty Handful


He was a child prodigy who was known for his oratorios and his conducting. He is also attributed with reviving interest in Bach’s music.

Felix Mendelssohn


He was a piano virtuoso with abnormally long fingers. He pushed the piano to its limits and is famous for arranging other composers' orchestral works for the piano.

Franz Liszt