At the start
One Minute In
At The Half-way Mark
At the Finish Line
Back on the Dock

What is Responsible for raising Jim's Heart and stimulating sweat just before the race?

When the race is about to begin, Jim feels nervous. His nervous system reacts to this feeling and sends signals to his heart causing his respiratory rate to increase. When his heart and respiratory rate increases, he breathes faster and sweats. This cools his body and maintain constant temperature.


Rowing full speed is putting new demands on Jim's body.What are these new demands and how does the body respond to them?

Now that Jim is at full speed he has put new demands on his body which caused his heart rate to jump from 65 bmp to 201 bmp and his temperature has also rose to 99.5 but after two minutes of intense activity his heart rate is now at 180 and his temperature is at 100. Jims body has slowed down and was giving 80% body effort while ignoring the pain.


Since the end of the first minute, Jim has decreased the demands his making. How has he done this? and why has he done this?

Jim has decreased demands on his body, this could also be called the fight or flight response. His brain has slowed down with less production of adrenaline and he is using less energy. His heart rate decreases and so does his respiratory rate. Jim has changed his thoughts and is focused more on the pain that is occurring in his body. He knows he must do this because his body is now responding more to the effect of overworking his body.


Jim has stopped moving and his muscles are now at rest.Why are his heart and breating rates still so high?

When Jim pushed his body to do a lot of work, it was just returning to normal state at the finish line. His breathing was still high because he was still in the recovery period for his body.Oxygen was still needed to meet the heart rate.


What changes have occured in the last ten minutes to allow Jim's heart and respitory rates to come down?

The reason his heart and respiratory rate begin to come down because of the negative feedback loop. This loop helps to return the body to original state which cause his rates to decrease.


Why is the sympathetic divison of the automatic nervous system active just before the race?

Jim is under great pressure stress right before the race, because he hopes to bring his A game. This stress makes his autonomic nervous system more active. 


What changes in Jim's muscles promote unloading of O2 from hemoglobin for use by the muscles cells?

When Jim's muscles and cells are feeling the burning sensation this is caused by the O2 from hemoglobin when these cells are being used excessively. He used up his hemoglobin by vigorously rowing the boat up to its maximum speed. This causes the muscles to use his oxygen within the cells so the body could maintain homeostasis.


What are the changes in his conditions as a result?

In the respiratory and cardiovascular systems with the physical activities he has been participating in, made his heart and lungs to work even harder than normal. His brain has sent messages to his lungs to breath faster and his heart to beat faster. The increased amounts of blood gets pumped to the muscles which carries oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. The body works together to keep the body from pushing to breaking limits. Homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback to help get Jim's body back to normal state.


Why is he sweating more now than during the race?

Jim is now sweating more because of his high body heart and his body needs to sweat to cool so his body will return to normal state.


Why is Jim four pounds lighter than at the start of the race?

The reason Jim is lighter now is because of dehydration. He had rehydrated himself before the race and during the race. Jim’s body had many different chemical reactions within his body. Since he had water in his body he sweated more of the water out in his sweat which cause weight loss.


What changes do you think are occuring in the digestive and urinary system at this time?

When Jim's stress level rises his digestive system feedback starts to occur and it slows down. Changes in Jim's urinary system are occurring due to him sweating. Since Jim body is stressed because of the race, his Kidney are working harder. Kidneys play a major role in the urinary system which control a lot of your body functions such as electrolytes, water, and acid-base balance in the body.


Why do Jim's muscles feel like they are burning?

The reason that Jim's muscles are feeling the burning sensation is because they are experiencing sensory info. from his nervous system. This feeling is due to the increase of activity and fatigue occurring because he over exerted his body. Also his body has been using his glycogen within the cells which make lactic acid which causes the burn Jim is experiencing.


What changes have occured to his blood chemistry since the start of the race?

Since Jim's muscles have been working hard there has been an increase of blood flow to them. The activity has caused a reduction in the amount of blood glucose as its changing over to energy. The carbon dioxide level will increase because of the production of glucose.


What effect has this water loss had on his endocrine system?

Jim has lost water which caused a loss of sodium this resulted in Jim being dehydrated.



What is happening to Jim's blood glucose levels just before the race?

Since Jim has been constantly sweating, this causes dehydration at the beginning of the race. Jim has been sweating profusely which caused his glucose level to drop.


What Conflict is produced between Jim's need to keep his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes from his blood? What did he do before the race to help alleviate the conflict?

The conflict between keeping his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes is hydration vs. dehydration. Jim tried to make the conflict easier before the race when he made sure he was well hydrated and stayed calm and relaxed which help to keep his heart rate and respiratory rate low.


Why did Jim only take sips of water after the race? What could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to? 

Since Jim was dehydrated after the race he could only drink water to help restore the electrolytes into his cells, if he would have not taken little by little he could have muscles cramping. Also the small sips allowed his body to adjust to his body's state of dehydration.


Why is Jim's mouth dry?

At the start of the race Jim has different changes happening to his body, one of these changes was his mouth being dry. The reason Jim's mouth was excessively dry was because his salivary glands have started to slow down its production of saliva in the mouth, at some points not secreting any saliva at all.