The Roaring 20’s
The Stock Market crash
The Dust Bowl

What Big events led up to the start of the 1920s? How did it affect the world?

Spanish Flu Pandemic; shut the world down, millions of people around the world died


What is stock?

partial ownership in a company that is sold to investors


What factors played a role in the Dust Bowl?

Drought and overfarming


Who did Americans blame for the Great Depression, even though it was not his fault?

President Herbert Hoover


What were the secret bars called during Prohibition?

Speakeasy or Speakeasies


Why did the Stock Market Crash?

People spent to much money on Credit and prices on stocks were overvalued and lost all their value


Why were these storms getting so powerful in the Great Plains?

As the storms went across the plains, more dust would be picked up and add fuel to the storm.


What were some ways Americans showed their displeasure with President Hoover during the Depression?

Hoovervilles, Hoover Flags, Hoover Blankets, etc.


What was the 19th Amendment? What did it do?

Made it so you can not deny someone the right to vote based on gender, thus it allowed Women to vote for the first time.


Explain the Ripple Effect that the Stock Market Crash had on America

Stocks crashed, Banks closed, Jobs fired employees, people lost their homes, etc.


What was the only option for some people trapped in the Dust Bowl? Where did they go and for what purpose?

They left, anywhere that would have work available to them. Mostly they went to California.


Explain what Credit is, as best you can

buying something on the promise of paying it back later

How did the Assembly line change production

Made production of things in factories faster, easier, and cheaper.


How is Buying and Selling Stock in the Stock Market risky?

Prices can go up which is good; but prices can also go down, which can cost you money


What was the derogatory term created for people who came from the Dust Bowl and how were these people treated when they got to California? What jobs do they do while there?

They were called Okies, they were treated like 2nd class citizens and were abused. Mostly they did farm work of whatever was in season.  

E.G. picking peaches and picking cotton


Name one of the New Deal Programs created during the 1930s to help people.

I'll check your boards


What group set out to gain the most from Prohibition and how did they do that?

The Mafia, sold illegal alcohol and ran the speakeasies.


How do you make money in the Stock Market with Dividends?

Companies will pay you for having stock in the company


How did these people leave the Dust Bowl? What could they take with them and why?

They packed up what they could into cars or trucks, and took only what they could carry or what could fit on the vehicle without weighing it down. 


What does FDR promise he will do for America? What does he mean by this?

He would give America a New Deal, government programs, and laws that would help Americans rebuild or prepare for their futures