Emotional Mind
Reasonable Mind
Wise Mind

What are the 3 States of Mind?

Emotion, Reasonable, and Wise Minds


What is this brain responsible for? 

emotions and feeling


What is this brain responsible for?

Facts, critical thinking


What does Wise Mind mean ? 

Using both brains to make decisions based from a place of logic and feelings. 


What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


What happens when Emotion Mind is activated?

We act based off of emotions and tend to make impulsive and "rash" decisions without thinking it through


What happens when the Reasonable Mind is activated? 

emotions disappear and actions are based on facts, data, history, etc. 


Name 2 skills that help us act from Wise Mind

Whats and Hows, Check the Facts, PLEASE, ABC.... basically any of them!!


What is one thing/problem DBT is helpful for?

distress, emotion regulation, intense emotions, relationship problems

Give an example of when you were in your Emotion Mind

acting/speaking without thinking

being very emotional, esp. for a long time

believing our feelings are facts


Give an example of when you are were your Reasonable Mind

making decisions based on the facts only

not thinking about yours or others feelings (invalidation)

not taking care of yourself/ignoring needs


Give an example of when you were in your Wise Mind

facts AND feelings

I know ____ to be true, and I feel ____ so I am going to ____________.


Why is it important to control/regulate our emotions?

So that we do not become out of control, say/do inappropriate or hurtful things that we regret


What are two things that this part of our brain does for us that are helpful? 

Values, Positive emotions, Connection to others, Makes life exciting, Gives us important information


What are two things that this part of our brain does for us that are helpful? 

Based in fact/reality, Problem solving, Checks facts on emotions, Productive


Are REALLY strong emotions possible in Wise Mind?

Yes! Wise Mind isn't always calm, but it is always in control


Who is the creator of DBT?

Marsha Linehan


Name 2 skills that can help you NOT act in Emotion Mind

Any distress tolerance skills, Check the Facts, Whats and Hows


Name 2 skills that can help you NOT act from Reasonable Mind

Mindfulness Whats and Hows, Self/Other Validation, PLEASE Skills, Accumulating positives in short or long term


What do I mean when I talk about our "Wise Mind bones"?

Our Wise Mind bones are our strong sense of self and inner wisdom. When we act from Wise Mind or make Wise choices, we become more and more our true selves!