Depressed 30s
New Hope 40s
Inventive 50s
Franklin Roosevelt
In 1930, the Department of Labor estimated that roughly 9 percent of the labor force was out of work
What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929
He wrote "The Common Book of Baby and Child Care" in 1946.
What is Dr. Spock?
This single singer became very famous for his rhythmic approach.
What is Elvis?
She enshrined women's contribution; appearing on magazine covers May 29, 1943.
What is Rosie The Riveter?
Governor of New York
What is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Easy-credit margin accounts, which allowed investors to purchase stocks with a small down payment, borrowing the rest from a broker and using the shares as collateral on the loan.
What is "buying on the margin."
On this day, a Japan fleet attacked this area.
What is Pearl Harbor?
Under what President signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. The bill created 41,000miles of "National System of Interstate and Defense Highways.
What is President Dwight Eisenhower?
The army drafted its own bill, which both Edith Rogers and Eleanor Roosevelt supported, creating in May 1942, the WAAC which later changed to WAC.
What is Women's Army Corps?
A series of reform and relief measures.
What is the New Deal?
Famous baseball player played his last major league game on May 30, 1935.
What is Baby Ruth?
This man gave an historical "Iron Curtain" speech on a Missourian tour on March 5, 1946 in Fulton, Missouri.
What is Winston Churchill?
Dictator of Cuba in 1959.
What is Fidel Castrol?
The United States allowed 200,000 of this country workers for short-term employment.
What is Mexico?
Established in March as an unemployment relief effort, provided work for jobless young men in protecting conserving the nation's natural resources.
What is Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
Daily Double!! The AAA paid wheat farmers millions of dollars not to grow what they could not sell and encouraged the diversion of acreage from soil-depleting crops like wheat to soil-enriching crops such as sorghum.
What is The Dust Bowl?
Tense, icy relations but no outright fighting-prevailed between the United States and the Soviet Union. This demanded pledges of absolute loyalty from citizens in every institution, from universities to unions and from the media to government itself.
What is the Cold War?
Daily Double!!!! Truman sought the Security Council's approval to send troops to defend this country under the UN's collective-security provision.
What is South Korea?
This man was in charge at the Los Alamos, New Mexico site for the development of the Atomic Bomb.
What is Robert Oppenheimer?
In 1934, this act aimed at stimulating residential construction and making home financing more affordable, set up the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
What is National Housing Act?
This emerged as the most powerful medium of communication in the home, profoundly changing the rhythms and routines of everyday life. In 1930, 12 million American homes had one, by the end of the decade, 90 percent had them.
What is the Radio?
This toy, in 1945, caused a craze where stairs would never be left alone.
What is Slinky?
Gave up he seat on the bus in 1955.
What is Rosa Parks?
In 1941, the Japanese Americans where detained in Interment Camps in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho. This group also feared a United States round up.
What is Mexican-Americans?
Roosevelt was especially popular among this group of first-and second-generation immigrants which Roosevelt received support from millions of this group who had never bothered with politics.
What is Catholic and Jewish descents?