
The sound that our ears hear send the information to our ______? 

A.) Nose 

B.) Tongue

C.) Brain

C.) Brain


Our eyes take the colours and lights that they're seeing and send that information to our _______? 

A.) Brain

B.) Nose

C.) Tongue

A.) Brain


The taste buds collect the tastes and send the information to our _______?

A.) Nose

B.) Brain

C.) Fingers 

B.) Brain


Our nose sends the information that we smell to our _____?

A.) Brain

B.) Tongue

C.) Ears 

A.) Brain


Our sense of touch helps protect us by sending a message to our ______ when we are in pain so that we can stop what we are doing.

A.) Nose

B.) Brain

C.) Eyes 

B.) Brain 


What part of the body helps us to hear things? 

A. Our Ears

B. Our Tongue

C. Our Nose

A. Our Ears


What part of the body helps us to see things?

A.) Our Nose

B.) Our Tongue

C.) Our Eyes 

C.) Our Eyes 


What part of the body helps us to taste things?

A.) Our Tongue

B.) Our Hands

C.) Our Ears

A.) Our Tongue


What part of the body helps us to smell things?

A.) Our Tongue

B.) Our Hands

C.) Our Nose

C.) Our Nose


What part of the body helps us to feel things?

A.) Our Eyes

B.) Our Hands

C.) Our Nose 

B.) Our Fingers


What are the two different types of sound that our ears can hear?

A.) Low Pitch and Soft Pitch 

B.) High Pitch and Loud Pitch 

C.) Low Pitch and High Pitch

C.) Low Pitch and High Pitch


What are the two things that our eyes can see that help us to describe what we are seeing in more detail? 

A.) Size and Shape

B.) Colour and Shape

C.) Weight and Colour 

B.) Colour and Shape


What are the four flavours our mouth can taste?

A.) Bitter, Sweet, Salty, Spicy

B.) Bitter, Sweet, Salty, Sour

C.) Bitter, Sweet, Sour, Spicy

B.) Bitter, Sweet, Salty, Sour

What are the two ways we can describe a smell to someone else?

A.) Good and Bad Smells

B.) Good and Amazing Smells

C.) Bad and Terrible Smells 

A.) Good and Bad Smells


What are the four ways we can describe the texture of what we are feeling to someone?

A.) Smooth, Rough, Sticky, Soft

B.) Smooth, Rough, Hard, Sticky

C.) Smooth, Rough, Hard, Soft

C.) Smooth, Rough, Hard, Soft


A whistle is an example of a _________ pitch?

A.) Quite Pitch

B.) High Pitch

C.) Low Pitch 

B.) High Pitch


People who have a hard time seeing may use _______ to help them see better?

A.) Glasses

B.) A Mask

C.) Face Paint 

A.) Glasses


This food can be describe as _______? 

A.) Bitter

B.) Salty

C.) Sweet

B.) Salty


Which item has a good smell?

A.) Fish

B.) Trash

C.) Flowers

C.) Flowers


The following item can be best described as _______?

A.) Rough

B.) Hard

C.) Smooth 

A.) Rough


A drum is an example of a _______ pitch?

A.) Low Pitch

B.) High Pitch

C.) Quite Pitch 

A.) Low Pitch


What do you see here?

A.) A Purple Lunchbox 

B.) A Purple Notebook

C.) A Purple Purse 

B.) A Purple Notebook


This food can be described as __________? (Dark Chocolate) 

A.) Bitter

B.) Salty

C.) Sweet

A.) Bitter


Which of the items have a bad smell?

A.) Chicken Nuggets 

B.) Trash

C.) Ice Cream 

B.) Trash


The following item can best be described as ________?

A.) Rough

B.) Soft

C.) Hard

C.) Hard