Bully Prevention
Habit #1 and #2
Habit #3 and #4
Habit #5
Habit #6 and #7
This is the Target
What is the person being bullied
Habit #1
What is "Be Proactive - You are in charge of you!"?
Habit #3
What is "Putting First things First" -- prioritizing and managing your time so you do the important things first?
Being able to see a situation how another person sees it even though that is not how you see it.
What is perspective
I understand that we all have special talents and I can find those in others in order to be a better group.
What is "Synergize"?
The person who watches a person be bullied
What is Bystander
Habit #2
What is "Begin with the End in Mind - Make a goal and have a plan to accomplish it"?
Habit #4
What is "Think win-win -- you compromise and cooperate so everyone can succeed and feel happy"?
Listening with your eyes and heart, not just your ears.
What is "looking someone in the eye while talking to them, using your eyes to read their body language to see how they might be feeling, and using your heart to understand their point of view and why they fell the way they do"?
Eating right, exercising, and getting enough rest.
What is "Sharpen the Saw"?
The difference between being bullied and someone who is picked on sometimes.
What is the person who is bullied gets picked on every day by the same person.
Choosing your actions
What is be Proactive
Lily's Think Win-Win solution
What is "Lily worked out a compromise with her mom -- if her mom would help her plant a garden, then she would do all the weeding and watering all summer long"?
Interrupting, blurting, ignoring, and rolling eyes are non examples of
What is Seek First to Understand.
When two or more people work together to create a better solution then either of them could have thought of alone.
What is "synergizing"?
ignore, and walk away are examples of this.
Combat bullies
Example of Habit #2.
What is studying spelling every night to get a good grade on your spelling test or saving money to buy something special or reading every night to finish your new book or working hard in school so you can go to college?
Lose Win
When you have to give up what you want but the other person gets what they want.
The qualities of a good listener.
What is "looks at me when I speak, listens to my ideas and feelings, does not interrupt, wants to understand me"?
Eric plays video games every night from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m.
What is a non example of Sharpen the saw.
What is the thing that the bully is trying to gain from you.
Setting a goal, and tracking are important for this habit.
What is Habit 2?
Abby wanted to draw, but her friend wanted to write. They chose to create a book where Abby drew the pictures of what her friend wrote. This is an example of...
What is Win Win
This video clip is an example of what habit
Describe or act out your understanding of Habit 6.