Paradigms & Principles
Personal Bank Account
Habit 1
Habit 2
Habit 3

The way you see something.

Your perception.

Your own point of view.

What is a paradigm. 


THIS is an example of a deposit into my personal bank account.

What is...Keep promises to myself, Do small acts of kindness, Be gentle with yourself, Be honest, Renew yourself, Magnify your talents


The 1st habit of the book is...

What is "Be proactive"


The 2nd habit of the book is...

What is "Begin with the end in mind" 


The 3rd habit of the book is...

What is "Put first things first"


When you focus/center your life on THIS everything else will balance and fall into place

What are principles. 


THIS is an example of a withdrawal from my personal bank account.

What is...Break personal promises, Keep to yourself, Beat yourself up, Lie, Wear yourself out, Bury your talents. 


The opposite of proactive is...

What is reactive


Beliefs and principles that guide your behavior, shape your identity and influence your behavior. 

(Ex-Family, Honesty, Justice, etc)

What are personal values.


THIS Persona is in Quadrant 1 where things are urgent and not important 

What is "The Procrastinator"


The 3 types of principles are these...

(Hint: "Our view of...")

What is 

Our view of self, others, and life


THIS is an example of a symptom of a low personal bank account. 

What is...give into peer pressure easily, struggle with feelings of worthlessness, overly concerned of what people think of you, acting ignorant, self-destruct with negative choices, getting jealous. 


Shaking a bottle of soda is like being...

Shaking a bottle of water is like being...




Give a real-life example of "beginning with the end in mind".

What is...

Drawing a blueprint before building

Reading a recipe before cooking

Looking at a map before traveling

Writing out steps before solving a problem



THIS PERSON is in quadrant 2 where things are not urgent and not important

What is "The Prioritizer"


Paradigms are not always based on reality but on THIS

What is experiences.


THIS is a possible symptom of a healthy personal bank account. 

What is...standing up for yourself, resisting peer pressure, not concerned with being popular, viewing life as positive, trusting yourself, goal driven, happy for others' success. 


Something I would say if I am proactive...

What is...

I'll do it!

I can do better than that. 

Let's look at all our options. 

I choose to.

There has to be a way. 

I am not going to let your bad mood rub off on me. 


THIS is based on our values and is a promise to ourselves.

What is a mission statement. 


THIS PERSON is in quadrant 3 where things are urgent and important. 

What is "The Yes Person"


We learned about 9 different Thinking Traps that lead to negative paradigms. Name at least 2 of these Thinking Traps.

What is...Fortune Telling, Black & White Thinking, Mindreading/Jumping to Conclusions, Overgeneralizing, Labeling, Overestimating Danger, Filtering, Catastrophizing, Should Statements


THIS song by Michael Jackson was referenced in this chapter. 

What is "Man in the Mirror"


Something I would say if I am reactive.

What is...

I'll try. 

Maybe tomorrow. 

That's just the way I am/the way it is. 

There's nothing that I can do. 

I can't

You ruined my day.


Finish the sentence... "Control your own destiny..."

What is "...or someone else will"


THIS PERSON is in quadrant 4 where things are not urgent and important

What is "The Slacker"