TV Shows and Books
Historical Events
This electronics company was a major catalyst in the personal computer movement. The founder was Steve Jobs.
What is Apple, Inc.?
The term "Wax on, wax off" originates from this film about a troubled boy who is taught the true meaning of martial arts.
What is Karate Kid?
Set in San Francisco, this sitcom portrayed the life of a family of a single dad taking care of three daughters, with a live-in goofy uncle and another wild, biker, rock'n'roll uncle named Uncle Jesse. Starring Bob Saget and John Stamos.
What is Full House?
This President ('81-'89) was shot 69 days after he took office on January 20, 1981.
Who is President Reagan?
In this arcade game, the player was a circular figure that tried to eat as many dots as possible without getting eaten by the other circular figures that were enemies.
What is Pac-Man?
This specialized radar beamed microwaves at a target and listened for the reflection, and then it was able to analyze the frequency of the signal determined by the target's motion. This radar is popularly used today by meteorologists to predict the weather.
What is Doppler radar?
Drew Barrymore stars in this classic film about a group of young kids who are trying to return a stranded extra-terrestrial being to his home planet.
What is E.T.?
This sitcom idealized American life in the 1950s, with characters such as Fonzie, Richie, and Potsie.
What is Happy Days?
This conflict grew out of post-WWII tensions between the democratic U.S. and Communist Soviet Union.
What is the Cold War?
This 3-D colorful cube was made up a pivot mechanism that allowed smaller cubes inside the larger cube to be rotated so that the smaller cubes of the same color were on the same side.
What is a Rubik's Cube?
The company Fuji released this new technology that allowed users to take pictures with one roll of film, then dispose of the camera after the user was done.
What is the disposable camera?
This tagline "Who ya gonna call?" comes from the paranormal comedy film starring Bill Murray.
What is Ghostbusters?
This was an American Western drama series & books, depicting farm life in the 1870s in Walnut Grove and starring Michael Landon and Melissa Gilbert.
What is Little House on the Prairie?
This spacecraft exploded just 74 seconds after lift-off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. In the space shuttle was the to-be first teacher to ever go to space.
What is the Challenger Space Shuttle?
This new style of dance featured funky moves such as "popping', "locking", and "dropping".
What is break dancing?
Motorola made this new mobile technology available that allowed users to talk to one another over a cellular network.
What is the cell phone?
This quirky Disney comedy is about a goofy inventor who accidentally shrinks his and his neighbors' children down to one fourth of an inch and accidentally throws them out with the trash. Starring Rick Morranis and Marcia Strassman
What is Honey, I Shrunk the Kids?
This major TV channel made its debut in 1981 and became one of the main sources for viewing music videos. Today this channel is home to the shows like "Cribs".
What is MTV?
This volcano, which had been dormant for 123 years, erupted in 1980 in Washington state, killing nearly 60 people.
What is Mt. Saint Helens?
These adorable dolls were a huge trend in the 80s. They were made up of a chunky plastic face, hair made of yarn, and cloth bodies.
What are Cabbage Patch Kids?
The goal of this project was to sequence and map every gene in the human body.
What is the Human Genome Project?
"I feel the need for speed!" comes from this action film about a fresh, new jet pilot and his funky navigator Maverick.
What is Top Gun?
This 1980 book is about a man that is suffering from amnesia who is being hunted by assassins for unknown reasons and must discover is identity and why he is being hunted. This book was created into a 2002 movie starring Matt Damon.
What is The Bourne Identity?
This city in Lebanon was where one of the most dangerous attacks on a U.S. embassy ever occurred. Sixty-three people were killed by an Islamic suicide bomber, and this is believed to be the start of anti-American attacks by Islamic groups.
What is Beirut, Lebanon?
This lightweight device allowed one to play cassette tapes on the go and listen through headphones.
What is the Sony Walkman?