Aaronic Priesthood origins
Keys of the Aaronic Priesthood
Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood
AP Administration

Why is it called the Aaronic Priesthood? (D&C 107:13-14)

Because it was first conferred upon Aaron, the brother of Moses and his seed.


Who appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry to restore the Aaronic Priesthood? (D&C 13:1)

John the Baptist


When and why did the Aaronic Priesthood first start? (D&C 84:23-26)

In the days of Moses because the people of Moses hardened their hearts and chose not to live the higher law so they could behold the face of God.


Name two keys you hold that are not mentioned in D&C 13.  (D&C 84:26 & D&C 107:20)

1. Keys of the preparatory gospel

2. Keys of the outward ordinances

3. Keys of the letter of the gospel


What were Joseph Smith & Oliver Cowdery doing when the angel appeared to them to restore the priesthood? (JS-History 1:68)

Translating the Book of Mormon, and then went to pray about the doctrine of baptism and the remission of sins


Name 3 keys you hold as an Aaronic Priesthood holder (D&C 13:1)

1. The keys of the ministering of angels

2. The keys of the Gospel of repentance

3. The keys of baptism


What are 3 outward ordinances you can administer as Priest?

1. The sacrament

2. Baptism

3. Conferring the Aaronic Priesthood