Part I
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Elohim means ____. Name one response that we should have to this name.

Who is God, Who is the Strong Creator? Awe, worship


Flags identify us, give us a sense of pride in our country or group, and can also signal victory. This is the reason the reason that God is called Jehovah-Nissi, The Lord my ___. Name the reason why God has this name.

What is banner? Jehovah-Nissi shows victory over our enemies. God gives us help even when we are weak. 


God is El Emunah, The Faithful God. Answer on what it means to be faithful and God is faithful even when we are ___?

To be loyal, to be reliable, to support, to keep your promise. What is unfaithful?


God is ____, the Everlasting God. He has no ____ and no _____. 

Who is El Olam? What is beginning and end?


Just like you need a specific key to open a lock, there is only ___ way to salvation and the cost is ___.

What is one and free?


God is ______, which means Lord, Master. Our response to his commands should be ____.

Who is Adonai and what is obedience?


First, we must have ___ with God, then we can be at ___ with ourselves and with others. Explain how we can have this.

Hint: Jehovah-Shalom, Isaiah 53:5

What is peace? Trusting in Jesus and his finished work on the cross. 

_____ is the name of God that means The Lord is light. Explain what this name means.

Who is Jehovah Or? God is righteous and is only full of goodness (light). 


El Gibbor means ___. Explain why this is a good title for Jesus. 

Who is Mighty God? He is victorious over death, sin and Satan. 


This is the reason a person responds positively to the name of God.

What is grace; God opening a person's eyes; God giving a person the faith to believe; God calling a person?


God is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides. ____ is the greatest need that he provides for. Explain how he provided for this need.

What is our spiritual need? He provided a sin bearer for us. 


____ is God's name that means The Lord My Shepherd. Also explain why God chose to describe Himself as a Shepherd and His people as sheep? 

Hint: Think about characteristics/responsibilities of shepherds and sheep and their relationship

Who is Jehovah-Rohi? A shepherd gives guidance and protection to sheep who get lost easily and need constant care. A shepherd will lay down his life for His sheep. 


_____, the Most High, King of Kings is greater than angels, gods, and kings. Even though he is the most high, he regards ____.

Psalm 138:6

Who is El Elyon? Who are the lowly?

This is the reason God is called the Living God. 

What is God is alive, involved in our lives, not powerless, gives life? 


Idolatry is not just carved idols/statues. Idolatry is ___. Give 3 examples of idols that people can have (excluding carved idols).

What is of the heart, anything we worship apart from God, anything we love more than God?


****Daily Double**** 800pts 

God is __, the God who sees. He sees the ___, not only the exterior. 

Hint: I Samuel 16:7

Who is El Roi? What is the heart?


God appeared to the Israelites as a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. He will never forsake us. He is _____, the Lord Who is There.

Who is Jehovah-Shammah? 


You cannot come to God without the ___ drawing you to God.

 Who is the Holy Spirit?


God is Abba Father because He is faithful, He is a provider, He is compassionate, He is loving, He has authority, and He is forgiving.

True/false: God is everyone's father. Explain.

What is false? He is the Father of all who truly believe and trust in Him. 


****Daily Double****800pts 

This is the reason we need God.

Hint: The Seraphim in Isaiah 6 covered themselves in the presence of God.

What is our sinfulness?


______ is the Lord who heals. God may choose to heal our physical bodies, but ___ is the most important thing he can heal.

Who is Jehovah-Rophe? What is souls or spiritual state? 


This name of God tells us that God always tells the truth. On the flip side, Satan is the father of lies. Name 1 of the things we can do to recognize and fight Satan's lies.(2 answers total)

Who is Jehovah El Emeth, The Lord God of Truth? 

One of these 2:

Know the God of Truth

Know the truth by reading the Bible

Question what you see and hear against the Bible

Ask a wise, older Christian to help you know from the Bible if something is true


God is called a fortress and a refuge for these reasons. 

What is because He is strong and protective, He is greater than any enemy, He defends us? 


****Daily Double**** 1000pts 

God is the Word. God's greatest communication with us is through ____. 

Hint: John 1:1, Hebrews 1:1-2

Who is His Son Jesus? 


The word that describes the Holy Spirit working in a believer's heart to produce in him/her the character of Jesus. 

Hint: the fruit of the Spirit

What is sanctification?