Questions regarding technology assistance should be sent to?
What is Pathstone Service Desk?
The Accounting Aliases should be reviewed?
What is everyday?
What type of payment should be avoided if a vendor prefers immediate fund availability and minimal fees.
What is a paper check?
What payment method always requires a check date?
What is Automatic Debit?
What is our preferred payment method that requires the account number and phone number under "Define Vendor"?
What is Bill Pay ePay?
Who must be copied if you wish to update your clients in AgilLink?
Who is Gracie?
Mail is processed by Payables within this amount of time after being received?
What is 48 hours?
A vendor suddenly requests a bank change via email, you do this before updating their details.
What is call them directly using a verified number from their website on known number on vendor definition?
The benefit of setting vendors up for ACH payments instead of checks
What is faster processing, reduced fraud risk, and lower costs?
International Wires should be processed by who?
What is the High Priority Team?
Vacation requests and calendar notifications should be made how far in advance.
What is as early as possible?
What color should not be seen in AG?
Repetitives should be processed within what time frame?
What is as soon as possible?
What should be reviewed by 12 PM on the day before Bill Pay approver day?
What are the pending folder and your account email?
What payment method requires the "non-negotiable" field selected in "Define Vendor"
What is Online Payment?
The service code used for this meeting.
What is PATHSTONE ADM - Administrative
Bank recs and bill pay reports are completed by this day each month.
What is the 15th?
The "to pay" & "to release" folder should be checked?
What is daily?
Employees should always verify this before processing a wire transfer to avoid fraud.
What is vendor banking details.
Who should you reach out to regarding PNW clients and procedures?
Who is Philip and Gracie?
New bank account openings are submitted where?
What is Personal CFO Bank Support?
All client emails should be responded to within this amount of time.
What is 24 hours/1 business day?
What is the field on invoice tab that should always be completed in wire payments to help vendors identify the payment.
What is the invoice number or reference in the description box?
Items that are rejected should be addressed in what timeframe?
What is 24 hours?
Who must give approval when voiding a payment in AgilLink?
Who is lead or CRC?