Frauds; cheaters
Duke and King
What does Huck think about praying?
Ain't nothin to it. (fish hooks)
What does Huck tell the Bounty Hunters to keep them away from Jim?
He has smallpox.
It didn't take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn't no kinds nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds."
Huck Finn.
What is Mark Twain's birth name?
Samuel Clemens.
Widow's sister
Miss Watson
What is a "stretcher"?
a lie
Where does Huck hide the money the Duke and Dauphin steal from the Wilk's family?
In the coffin.
"There ain't a coward amongst them Sheperdsons-not one. And there ain't no cowards amongst the Grangerfords either."
Twain expresses his opinions through which character?
Writes poetry.
How does Pap feel about Huck going to school?
Doesn't like it - cynical.
Who does Tom's aunt and uncle believe Huck is in the end of the novel?
Tom Sawyer.
I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: All right, then, I 'll go to hell."
Twain uses which perspective (person) to narrate the story? And why?
Huck. The reader experiences firsthand adventures and feelings.
Twain expresses opinions through whom?
Where is Huck headed after escaping his cabin?
Jackson Island
What is wrong with Jim's daughter?
She is deaf.
"I was sorry to have my name mentioned as one of the great authors, because they have a sad habit of dying off. Chaucer is dead, Spencer is dead, so is Milton, so is Shakespeare, and I’m not feeling so well myself."
Mark Twain
What are topics Twain uses in satires to bring awareness to society's flaws? Through what literary devices/examples does he effectively write satire?
Religion, Southern small-town people, Southern Aristocracy.
Humor, exaggeration, irony.
Who does the Sheriff of Bricksville shoot?
What was floating down the river? And what was inside it?
A house. A dead man.
To the west.
Haley's Comet.