God who created a storm that waylaid Aeneas
Who was Neptune?
The city Dido rules over
What is Carthage?
Wrote the epic poem "The Aeneid"
Who was Virgil?
She died during the fall of Troy
Who was Aeneas' wife?
Aeneas and his men landed on an island full of these one-eyed monsters
What are Cyclopes?
Aeneas' mother
Who was Venus?
Aeneas' father dies on this island
What is Sicily?
This Greek king is called crafty
The Queen who believed she married Aeneas
Who was Dido?
Aeneas travelled this dark, mysterious place to find his father
What is the Underworld?
Goddess who hated Aeneas
Who was Juno?
Aeneas' family took these from Troy, which garnered favor during their journey
What are the household gods?
Aeneas carried this family member on his back while fleeing Troy
Who is Anchises?
This prophetess guided Aeneas in the Underworld
Who was the Sibyl of Cumae
The part bird, part woman creatures who attack Aeneas and his men
What are harpies?
Ruler of the gods
Who was Jupiter?
Aeneas needed this object in the Underworld
What is the golden bough?
The young son of Aeneas
Who is Iulus?
The Latin princess Aeneas was destined to marry
Who was Lavinia?
During Anchises' funeral games, Isis convinced the Trojan women to do this
What is burn the Trojan ships?
Queen of the Underworld
Who was Proserpina?
In what region of Italy did Aeneas' father tell him he would establish his home
What is Latium?
The Trojan who appeared to Aeneas in a dream and warned him to escape
Who was Hector?
The wife of Hector who was taken as a slave
Who was Andromache?
Helena warns Aeneas about Scylla and this whirlpool monster
What was Charybdis?