Who is the mother of Aeneas?
Who is the Phoenician queen who rules in Carthage?
If a noun is in the accusative case, what is its role in the sentence?
direct object
Why does Aeneas not remain in Carthage with the queen?
He is urged on by Mercury, sent by Jupiter, to fulfill his destiny of founding "new Troy".
Who was the author of the Aeneid?
Who is the father of Aeneas?
Which deity is constantly trying to stop Aeneas from making it to Italy?
Name one of the monsters Aeneas and his men almost encounter in the beginning of their wanerings.
Cyclops / Scylla / Charybdis
The Aeneid is a(n) ___________, which is a long, continuous narrative about greater-than-life heroes and supernatural feats and ocurrances.
epic poem
Who is the son of Aeneas?
Who is the rival suitor who is killed by Aeneas?
What is the difference in meaning between the vebs: navigabat/navigavit
navigabat: imperfect -- was sailing, used to sail
navigavit: perfect -- sailed, did sail, has sailed
Who is the ferry master that brings Aeneas across the river Acheron into the underworld?
To legitimize and celebrate his reign/emphasize the glorious beginnings of the Romans
Who is the first wife of Aeneas?
Who is the young prince that Aeneas avenged?
Translate: Necesse est Troiam novam condere
It is necessary to found new Troy.
Name an event that "mirrors" an event in the Iliad.
Epic duels: Pallas vs Turnus = Hector vs Patroclus, Aeneas vs Turnus = Achilles vs Hector
Armor needing to be made for the protagonist.
Protagonist falls into a blind rage at the death of a dear friend.
Divine intervention
What is the meaning of "pietas" for the Romans?
Duty to your gods, state, and family.
Name one other member of the Trojan royal family.
Translate: Evander exercitum Aenēae dēdit
Evander gave an army to Aeneas.
How does Virgil use the Aeneid to explain the Punic Wars?
Since Aeneas abandoned Dido, she cursed him and his people. This curse was a reason why Rome and Carthage would fight three wars against each other.
What is the term for when gods interfere in the lives of mortals?
Divine intervention