New World
Old World
Travel & Trade
Source Analysis

True or False: Tobacco and corn originated in the New World, while wheat and influenza originated in the Old World.



Who is credited as being the first person to circumnavigate the world?

Ferdinand Magellan


Describe how disease impacted Native communities AND explain how/why these diseases formed in the Old World.

Decimated communities because their immune system never experienced them. Did not kill everyone but very many. AND Europeans lived near animals, which created the diseases.


What were the 3 main motivations for exploration and colonization?

Gold, God, and Glory


How did mercantilism play a role in exploration and trade?

Countries wanted to make more money, so they increased trade and exploration to find more money opportunities.


Who funded John Cabot's explorations of the New World?



What advantages did Old World explorers have over New World natives in battle?

Armor, guns, dogs, biological warfare (when disease was PURPOSEFULLY given to the Natives)


What is a joint-stock company?

A business where shares of ownership in a company are bought and owned by shareholders. If the company makes the profit, the shareholder will also slightly profit.


Describe the experiences of slaves in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade:

Unbelievably cramped. Unbearable smell and extremely unsanitary. Had to stay below deck for the most part. Some attempted to jump ship than remain in slavery.


Vasco de Gama is best known for discovering a faster trade route to ________ by navigating around ____________

India; South Africa


Statement from Columbus regarding first voyage in 1492 

"There I found very many islands, filled with innumerable people, and I have taken possession of them all for their Highnesses, done by proclamation and with the royal standard unfurled, and no opposition was offered to me. "

Which of the 3 G's of exploration is represented in this source?

Glory: taking things in honor of Spain and its rulers

Gold: taking possessions that likely have financial value


Describe different ways Native Americans (especially the Taino) were mistreated by Old World Explorers:

Massacred in battles, forced to deliver them gold and resources, forced into slavery, purposely given diseases


What is a subsidy?

Payment made to support an enterprise (company) that a government thinks is beneficial


What were 3 major consequences of the Columbian Exchange?

Changes in diets across the world. Increased population in the Old World because of more access to food. Decreased population in the New World because of the diseases carried over.


Who played a major role in England's rise to power by raiding Spanish possessions and helping to defeat the Spanish Armada?

Francis Drake


"During the time that Columbus was preparing for his voyage, an estimated 30,000 Spanish Jews were burned at the stake for their failure to convert to Catholicism "

Is the scenario being depicted above similar or different to the colonization of the New World? Explain your reasoning.

Similar. Just like the Jews, the Native Americans were forced to convert to Catholicism or face death.


Why were women much more likely to be accused and found guilty of witchcraft in Salem?

Men played a more dominant role in society, so their accusations against women held more weight. Women had duties that aligned more with witches than men, like being healers and midwives.


How could a tariff help create a positive trade balance?

A tariff is a tax on imports. This decreases the amount of imports into a country. A positive trade balance means the goods a country exports is worth more than what they import. Tariffs help a positive trade balance by decreasing imports.


How did Europe, Africa, and the Americas participate in the Triangular Trade? (in other words, how did the "cycle" continue on and on and on?)

The Americas had raw, natural resources. These were shipped to Europe, which manufactured goods with the resources. These manufactured goods were sent to Africa in exchange for slaves (the continent's most valuable "commodity.") The slaves were sent to the Americas to gather more resources. And on and on.


How did Amerigo Vespucci realize the New World was not Asia?

Used stars and astronomy to find that the world was bigger than originally thought. Found unique animals and flora. The people were not Indian or Asian.


"The noise and clamor ... increase[d] the apprehensions of the terrified Africans ... In this manner, without scruple are relations and friends separated, most of them never to see each other again."

What is going on in the scenario being described?

African slaves were being sold. They were terrified of being sold, and they would be likely be separated from friends and family for the rest of their lives.