A Legendary Land
Background to European Exploration
Columbus My Journal
Early Voyages of Exploration
Map and Globe Skills
The first Europeans known to have visited the Americas.
What is Vikings?
Told stories about adventures to the Indies and seeing amazing things.
Who is Marco Polo
One of the first to believe that sailing west was a quicker, more direct route to Asia.
Who is Columbus?
The first to challenge Columbus's claims. He used astronomy and thought about distance in drawing his conclusion that Columbus never reached Asia, but another continent.
Who is Vespucci?
lines that run east to west on a map or globe are called...
What are latitude lines?
The leader of the first Europeans to visit the Americas.
Who is Leif Eriksson?
Finally found a sea route to Asia, showing the way for future explorations.
Who is Vasco Da Gama
In this year Christopher Columbus set forth with 89 sailors and three ships to find a western water route to Asia.
What is 1492?
Climbed up a mountain peak and saw another ocean on the other side. He sailed to it and sailed the coast. This discovery supported Vespucci's claim that new lands had been found.
Who is Balboa?
Lines that run north to south on a map or globe are called...
What are longitude lines?
The first European settlement in the Americas.
What is Vinland?
set up the first European school for training sailors in navigation.
Who is Prince Henry?
The name of one of the ships Columbus sailed.
What is the Pinta or what is the Santa Maria, or what is Nina?
The body of water Balboa reached.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
The line measured 0* that divides our globe into northern and southern hemispheres is called...
What is the equator?
Stories of the viking adventures are kept in these.
What is the Greenlanders' Saga?
While the city of Constantinople was captured, Europe made advances in science and technology. This became the age of learning, thought, and art.
What is Renaissance?
The promise Columbus made the King and Queen of Spain to get them to allow him to go on his voyage.
What is wealth and land?
The first European explorer that sailed west around the Americas to get to Asia.
Who is Magellan?
The imaginary line measured 0* that divides the globe into eastern and western hemispheres is called.
What is the prime meridian?
made the first globe ever made in Europe.
Who is Martin Behaim?
Trade with Asia suddenly stopped because these people from a huge land called the Ottoman Empire captured the city of Constantinople and took control of the Middle East.
Who are the Turks?
The land Columbus found and thought was Asia.
What is the Americas?
The ship of Magellan's that sailed around the world.
What is the Victoria?
The number of hemispheres earth is divided into.
What is 4?